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Chionanthus retusus in the San Marcos Growers garden |
Chionanthus retusus is a beautiful spring flowering deciduous tree in the Olive family (Oleaceae). The name Chionanthus is from the Greek chion and anthos a flower, in reference to
the abundant white fringelike flowers. These flowers are borne in profussion in early spring (March-April) in Santa Barbara yet many references list this plant as blooming in summer. Chinese
Fringe Tree grows to 20 feet tall in cultivation with a rounded crown of dark green leaves that turn golden in late fall. A hardy tree that can be planted in a lawn in full sun or used as an understory in partial shade. Best in fertile well drained soils and ample water. Although this is a polygamodioecious plant (either male or female but with some bisexual flowers
present) with male flowering plants slightly more showy and producing little or no fruit, the trees are rarely segregated by sex in nurseries. This tree has proven to be a bit undependable in the landscape for unknown reasons. While trees can be attractive and long lived in some plantings, others nearby fail miserably. This has caused us to disconinue growing this tree.