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Home > Products > Water Lilies

  Water Lilies
Water Gardens are a pleasing feature in almost any landscape. In Santa Barbara we are fortunate to have many large public and private water gardens. In the middle of Santa Barbara, at Alice Keck Park Memorial Gardens, there is a large pond with many large water lilies. At Lotusland, the famed garden of Madam Gana Walska, the lilies and lotus intermingle, nearly obscuring the water surface. Though we no longer grow any water plants, many of the Nymphaea cultivars we have grown came from this garden. The following Nymphaea are tge ones that were cultivated at San Marcos Growers. While this page has quite a bit of informtion, a complete descriptive list of the Nymphaea we grew with pictures can be accessed by Searching our Plant Database using the keyword "Nymphaea"

Nymphaea 'Amabilis' A medium to large growing plant with large flat star shaped pink flowers with a darker eye and orange stamens. The leaves emerge dark red and age to a olive green

Nymphaea odorata 'Arc en Ciel' - Fancy leaves - green spalshed with pink & light pink flowers

Nymphaea 'Attraction #3' - An excellent Red flowering cultivar but not as heat tolerant as 'Attraction #1' Strawn's other selection of the Marliac hybrid 'Attraction' - Why didn't Strawn didn't name it something else.

Nymphaea 'Berit Strawn' - Small orange yellow flowers

Nymphaea 'Burgundy Princess' - A small free flowering hybrid from Perry Slocum. This hybrid has deep red flowers and small leaves that are maroon at first and age to a deep green. Good for small pools.

Nymphaea candida - This species waterlily from northern Eurasia has 3 inch wide all white flowers

Nymphaea 'Celebration' - Bright pink (same as Mayla) w/ different shape flower

Nymphaea 'Charles de Meurville' - Strong growing plant w/ claret colored flowers striped white from the tip of the petal. Green foliage.

Nymphaea 'Chromatella' - This Marliac hybrid is a medium sized plant with clear light yellow fragrant flowers and mottled green & maroon foliage - one of the oldest & most reliable lilies Will bloom in shade - suitable for tub gardens.

Nymphaea'Comanche' - This Marliac hybrid is a prolific and unique multi-color lily that has flowers standing well out of the water. Flowers open apricot and change to deep coppery bronze color. Good for medium to large ponds. Needs ample root area.

Nymphaea 'Dollhouse' - New cultivar

Nymphaea 'Fabiola - Dependable old favorite. Medium sized plant with deep green foliage and large solid pink flowers with broad petals prominent stamens. Slight fragrance - Noted for its long bloom period and adaptability to any size pond. Small to medium spread.

Nymphaea 'Gladstone' - A vigorous growers with large waxy white slightly fragrant flowers. Large leaves and luxurient growth requires a large deep pool for this hybrid to look its best.

Nymphaea 'Gloriosa' - This Marliac hybrid has proven to be one of the most popular of the hardy water lilies. The large flowers have brilliant red petals,rose and green variegated sepals and reddish orange stamens. The flowers, with the light fragrance of apple blossoms are good as cut flowers for use indoors. This is a suitable plant for tubs or small ponds and can tolerate considerable shade.

Nymphaea 'Gonnere'('Snowball') - This beautiful Marliac hybrid has cup shaped double snow-white flowers with olive-green sepals and canary yellow stamens. The broad petals on this hybid are so numerous (to 85) that they cup and look narrower than they are.

Nymphaea x helvola - Pygmy Water Lily - This garden hybrid is a cross between N. tetragona and N. mexicana. It is a tiny water lily with 1-2 inch wide canary yellow flowers and 2 1/2 inch wide green leaves that are mottled with chocolateure. Nymphaea 'Hermine' - This Marliac hybrid is a small plant with star shaped pure white flowers and pale green foliage.

The flowers, which appear over a long period, are held above the water on strong stalks. Good for a small pool or tub.

Nymphaea 'Hollandia' - This beautiful new hybrid waterlily has full double pink flowers which contrast nicely agianst dark green foliage. A vigorous grower.

Nymphaea 'James Brydon' - Deep red cup shaped flowers w/ metalic sheen and apple spice frangranced with dark stamens tipped w/ yellow anthers. Easy to grow - will perform in shade.

Nymphaea 'Joey Tomocik' - From Strawn Water Gardens in Texas this lily is named for the the water garden specialist at Longwood Gardens. It is a robust plant with large green leaves and large pale yellow flowers which stand well above the water. A great plant for for large and medium sized ponds.

Nymphaea 'Laydeckeri Fulgens' - Deep red

Nymphaea 'Liou' - Small deep red

Nymphaea 'Marliac Carnea' - An old favorite, this prolific blooming Marliac hybrid is sometimes called 'Morning Glory' or 'Marliac Flesh'. The softest of pinks - can appear white at times, this lily is one of the first to come out of winter dormancy and bloom. Good for pools of any size.

Nymphaea 'Masaniello' - This Marliac hybrid has sweet scented peony shaped flowers with deep-rose petals that are dotted with carmine spots and white sepals and orange-yellow stamens. Flowers are held high above water surface.

Nymphaea 'Mayla' - This Strawn Nymphaea odorata hybrid is a great performer with large bright fuchsia pink flowers (so bright it can hurt your eyes). Very tropical looking.

Nymphaea 'Pearl of the Pool' - This Perry hybrid was created in 1946. It is a medium sized green foliaged plant w/ semi-double pink flowers that have a light fragrance.

Nymphaea 'Perry's Baby Red' - Very free flowering dwarf water lily. Suitable for small ponds and tub gardens.

Nymphaea 'Perry's Crinkled Pink' - A beautiful New hybrid from Perry's Water Gardens - This free flowering pink hybrid has unique creases and ridges throughout many of the petals giving the flower a ruffled appearance. Suitable for any size pool. Flowers stay open late in the day.

Nymphaea 'Perry's Red Glow'- This 1994 Perry's Water Garden hybrid lily has attractive maroon new foliage and deep glowing red peony shaped flowers. Good for any sized pool.

Nymphaea 'Perry's Super Red' - A very attractive red hybrid from Perry Sloucum. This plant has reddish bronze new foliage that ages to green and large red flowers which remain open very late in the afternoon.

Nymphaea 'Pink Sunrise' - Fantastic plant with maroon colored new growth and large clear pink flowers. A softer pink than 'Mayla'.

Nymphaea 'Radiant' - A large lily with deep red flowers

Nymphaea 'Red Volunteer' - A hybrid introduced by Perry Slocum in 1991. This large and showy red flowering water lily is a real eyecatcher!

Nymphaea 'Sultan' - This beautiful free flowering Marliac hybrid has large flowers (4-8 inches) which open pink and darken to a cherry red on the second day. Flowers have a light fragrance. Good for any sized pond and does especially well in small ponds. Plant in full to half day sun - Needs 4 hours of direct sun to bloom.

Nymphaea Sunrise' - Large plant w/ sulphur yellow flowers and long curved petals held high above water - good for large ponds and lakes (to 6 ft. deep). The foliage is green w/ bronze flecks.

Nymphaea 'Virginalis' - This large Marliac cultivar is a prolific bloomer with fragrant pure white flowers w/ yellow center and dark green foliage - good for large ponds. Largest white hardy water lily (to 1 ft across)