[2nd Image]
Category: Perennial |
Family: Haemodoraceae |
Origin: Australia (Australasia) |
Evergreen: Yes |
Flower Color: Red |
Bloomtime: Spring/Summer |
Synonyms: [ARS01, 'Clear Red'] |
Height: 2-3 feet |
Width: 2-3 feet |
Exposure: Full Sun |
Irrigation (H2O Info): Medium Water Needs |
Winter Hardiness: 25-30° F |
Anigozanthos rufus Backdraft ['LAN80'] - (Red Kangaroo Paw) This evergreen perennial forms clumps to 1 to 2 feet wide with blue-green strap-shaped leaves to 2 feet tall. For a long period from spring through early summer emerge the dark red tubular flower buds that flare open at tips like a paw on branching 3 foot tall stems that are covered with downy red hairs. This plant will generally have flowers continuously for 3 to 4 months during this period and often will produce a few flowers at other times as well. Plant in a sunny and open position in the garden in well-drained soils. Irrigate regularly and fertilize in spring (not heavily and keep (P) phosphorus on the low side). Hardy to about 25 degrees F. Fans only flower once and need to be cleaned out after the flowering period so remove the old leaves down to as low as possible at the end of a season. Care should be exercised that the new emerging fans are not damaged. Anigozanthos rufus is known to tolerate moderate frosts and a wider range of soils than other Kangaroo Paws but does require good drainage and is susceptible to Ink Disease. A great small to midsize kangaroo paw that has attractive flowers and attracts hummingbirds. It is the only Kangaroo Paw that is found in the Esperance region in the southeastern corner of Western Australia where it grows in depressions in seasonally winter rainfall wet sandy soils. Though we do not know who the breeder is, Anigozanthos rufus 'LAN80' came to us from Australian Horticultural Services through First Step Greenhouses as a trial in 2014 with the marketing name Backdraft. It is a selection from Anigozanthos rufus that is listed as notable compared to the species and other Anigozanthos rufus cultivars for its dark red flowers on a sturdy inflorescence rising from fuller, sturdier, cleaner and more erect foliage that is a bit more "bluish" in appearance. It has also been observed to be more tolerant of irrigation and less prone to black spot and leaf damage than other Anigozanthos rufus cultivars. It has flowers shorter than the large Anigozanthos flavidus hybrids but a bit taller than dwarf cultivars like 'Bush Ranger'.
The information about Anigozanthos rufus Backdraft ['LAN80'] that is displayed on this web page is based on research conducted in our nursery's horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We will also include observations made about this plant as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens that we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We also incorporate comments that we receive from others and welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they share cultural information that aids others growing this plant.
Please note that after 46 years in business, San Marcos Growers will be discontinuing nursery operations by the end of 2025 and the property will be developed for affordable housing.