Products > Hardenbergia violacea 'Happy Wanderer'
[2nd Image]
Category: Vine |
Family: Fabaceae = Pea Family |
Origin: Australia (Australasia) |
Evergreen: Yes |
Flower Color: Mauve |
Bloomtime: Winter/Spring |
Synonyms: [Hardenbergia monophylla] |
Height: Climbing (Vine) |
Width: Spreading |
Exposure: Sun or Shade |
Irrigation (H2O Info): Low Water Needs |
Winter Hardiness: 20-25° F |
Hardenbergia violacea 'Happy Wanderer' (Purple Vine Lilac) - An evergreen vine that climbs by twining stems to 12-16 feet. Simple, oblong (2-4 inches) leaves clothe these stems. Pinkish-purple flowers with a chartreuse spot in center cascade like small Wisteria blossoms in the winter to early spring. Plant in sun or light shade in hot inland areas. Tolerates and even prefers heavy soil so long as it drains well. Requires little water once established. Hardy to around 23° F and short duration dips to slightly lower – expect severe damage if temperatures drop below 20 F. Responds well to pruning and hard pruning can reinvigorate older plants. The species Hardenberia violacea is widespread through much of Australia and can be found in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Tasmania where it grows from along the coast to up in the mountains, often as an understory in forests and amongst shrubs where it can sprawl up on and around other plants. It was first described (as Glycine violacea) by the Dutch botanist George Voorhelm Schneevoogt in Icones Plantarum Rariorum in 1793 from cultivated plants that were thought to be from seeds collected in the Sydney area in the first few years of that settlement. Glycine is the genus of the related soy bean (Glycine max) and this plant was later combined with Hardenbergia, a name Bentham used in 1837 when describing Hardenbergia ovata. The name for the genus honors Franziska Countess von Hardenberg, sister of the Baron Karl von Hugel, a 19th century Austrian patron of botany who collected plants while on an expedition to Australia in 1833. The specific epithet is in reference to the typical color of the flower. Other common names include Purple Coral Pea, Happy Wanderer, Native Lilac. Because the long, carrot-like root was reportedly used as a substitute for sarsparilla by Australian aboriginal bushmen, it also has the common names Australian Sarsparilla and False Sarsaparilla. The Australian aboriginal name for it is Waraburra. We also grow other varieties of Hardenbergia violacea such as 'Canoelands' and 'Mini Haha' and in the past have grown 'Meema' as well as another species, Hardenbergia comptoniana.
The information about Hardenbergia violacea 'Happy Wanderer' that is displayed on this web page is based on research conducted in our nursery's horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We will also include observations made about this plant as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens that we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We also incorporate comments that we receive from others and welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they share cultural information that aids others growing this plant.