Kalanchoe beauverdii |
Beauverd's Widow's-thrill - Vine w/wiry stems and blackish succulent leaves and red tinged gray-green flwrs. Full (coastal) sun. Light shade. Hardy to 25 F.
[Bryophyllum beauverdii]
No longer in production
Kalanchoe beharensis |
Velvet Elephant Ear - Tree-like shrub to 6 to 12 ft. tall w/olive-green, triangular, velvety leaves. Sun or shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect below 30F.
[Kalanchoe vantieghemi]
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Brown Dwarf' |
Dwarf Velvet Elephant Ear) - Shrub 4-6' tall w/contorted olive-green, triangular lvs coverer w/brown velvety hairs. Sun/shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect < 30F.
No longer in production
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Small Form' |
Small Velvet Elephant Ear - Shrub 4-6' tall w/olive-green, triangular, silver & brown velvety lvs & white spring flwrs. Sun/shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect < 30F.
[Kalanchoe vantieghemi?]
No longer in production
Kalanchoe beharensis var. subnuda |
Naked Feltleaf - Tree-like shrub to 6 to 12 ft. tall w/olive-green, triangular leaves. Sun or shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect below 30F.
[K. beharensis var. nuda, Hort., K.'Slick']
No longer in production
Kalanchoe bracteata |
Silver Teaspoons - Succulent shrub with white gray oval leaves and red flowers in summer. Full sun. Little irrigation required. Great in pots. Hardy to around 28 F.
Kalanchoe bracteata forma glabra |
Green Teaspoons - Succulent shrub with green oval leaves and red flowers in summer. Full sun. Little irrigation required. Great in pots. Hardy to around 28 F.
[Kalanchoe bracteata ssp. glabra]
Kalanchoe carnea 'Modoc' |
Big Leaf Kalanchoe - Shrubby upright succulent 3-4 ft. tall w/ large light green lvs and pink flowers- grows in shady, dry spots, blooms better in sun. Hardy to 18.
[Kalanchoe laciniata]
Kalanchoe 'Fang' |
Stalactite Plant - Small succulent shrub 2-3' tall w/gray-brown velvety leaves w//tubercles on lower surface . Sun or shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Kalanchoe 'Fantastic' PP21,945 |
Variegated Paddle Plant - Succulent to 1-2' tall w/pale yellow flwrs on tall stalks. Sun/Light shade. Low-moderate H2O. Hardy to 25-30 F. [K. thyrsiflora, 'Fantastic', Hort.]
[K thyrsiflora Variegated Desert Rose 'Shave Ice']
No longer in production
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Majestic Scallops' |
Large Lavender Scallops - Subshrub to 2' tall w/lavender tinged gray scalloped lvs & red-brown flwrs spring-summer. Coastal full sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Variegata' |
Variegated Lavender Scallops - Subshrub 1-2' tall w/lavender tinged gray white margined lvs & red-brown flwrs spring-summer. Cool full sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri |
Donkey Ears - Succulent to 18" tall w/large gray lvs splotched w/maroon and 2-3' tall spikes in fall w/salmon flwrs. Full sun/shade. Litte H2O. Protect from frost.
[K. adolph-engleri, Bryophyllum gastonis-bonnieri]
No longer in production
Kalanchoe grandiflora |
Yellow Kalanchoe - Upright succulent to 3' with blue-green foliage. Small fragrant yellow flowers in late spring. Water occasionally. Hardy to 28F.
Kalanchoe humilis |
Succulent shrub to 1-3' w/open rosettes of maroon spotted gray-green lvs & summer small purple flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Low H2O. Hardy ?
[K. prasina, K. figueiredoi]
No longer in production
Kalanchoe 'John Bleck' |
Upright succulent 2-3' tall w/green lvs w/red serrated edges. Late winter flwrs are purple & orange. Full/part sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 25-30F.
[K. 'Arrowhead'']
Kalanchoe luciae |
Paddle Plant - Perennial succulent 1-2' tall w/pale yellow flwrs on tall stalks. Sun/Light shade. Low-Moderate water needs. 25-30 F. [K. thyrsiflora, Hort.]
[K. thyrsiflora, Hort., K tetraphylla, Hort.]
Kalanchoe marmorata 'Seacrest' |
Penwiper - Succulent shrub 2-4' tall w/large gray lvs often maroon spotted & winter white flwrs. Full/part sun in well drained soil. Occasional H20. Hardy to 25F
Kalanchoe marnieriana |
Marnier's Kalanchoe - Succulent subshrub 1-2' tall by 2-3' wide w/rounded blue-green lvs tinged pink & pink flwrs winter-summer. Full sun/shade. Little H20. Hardy to 25F.
[Bryophyllum marnierianum]
No longer in production
Kalanchoe 'Oak Leaf' |
Dwarf Velvet Plant - Shrub to 2 to 3' tall w/gray-white triangular lobed velvety leaves. Sun or shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.
Kalanchoe orgyalis |
Copper Spoons - Slow growing shrub 3-6' tall & wide w/cinnamon colored ovate lvs & yellow flwrs winter/spring. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.
Kalanchoe 'Pink Zinfandel' |
Subshrub to 2' tall w/maroon scalloped lvs & pink flwrs spring-summer. Coastal full sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Kalanchoe prolifera |
Blooming Boxes - Tall succulent to 6+ ft w/unique long succulent pinnate lvs topped by 3' inflorescence w/green & orange flrs. Sun or shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[Bryophyllum proliferum, B. calycinum]
No longer in production
Kalanchoe pumila |
Flower Dust Plant - Low growing succulent shrub to 8-12" tall w/pink flowers in late winter or early spring. Sun/Light shade. Low water needs. 25-30 degrees F.
[K. pumila 'Silver Gray']
Kalanchoe sexangularis |
Six-angled Kalanchoe - Succulent subshrub 2-3' tall w/red tinged green lvs, angled stems & tall yellow flwrs winter to spring. Cool sun/light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F
[K. hexangularis, Hort.]
No longer in production
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 'Silver Platter' |
Succulent w/broad rounded chalky green to white lvs w/n red tinge (unlike K. luciae) & fragrant yellow flowers. Full sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 25 F.
[Kalanchoe tetraphylla, Hort]
No longer in production
Kalanchoe tomentosa |
Panda Plant - Small succulent to 24" tall w/narrow brown tip gray fuzzy lvs & summer green-brown flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier' |
Chocolate Soldier Panda Plant - Small succulent to 24" tall w/narrow brown fuzzy lvs & green-brown flwrs in summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.