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now showing 1 - 28 of 28 Search String: Kalanchoe << back | next >>
Kalanchoe beauverdii Beauverd's Widow's-thrill - Vine w/wiry stems and blackish succulent leaves and red tinged gray-green flwrs. Full (coastal) sun. Light shade. Hardy to 25 F.  [Bryophyllum beauverdii] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe beharensis Velvet Elephant Ear - Tree-like shrub to 6 to 12 ft. tall w/olive-green, triangular, velvety leaves. Sun or shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect below 30F.  [Kalanchoe vantieghemi] 
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Brown Dwarf' Dwarf Velvet Elephant Ear) - Shrub 4-6' tall w/contorted olive-green, triangular lvs coverer w/brown velvety hairs. Sun/shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect < 30F.   
No longer in production
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Small Form' Small Velvet Elephant Ear - Shrub 4-6' tall w/olive-green, triangular, silver & brown velvety lvs & white spring flwrs. Sun/shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect < 30F.  [Kalanchoe vantieghemi?] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe beharensis var. subnuda Naked Feltleaf - Tree-like shrub to 6 to 12 ft. tall w/olive-green, triangular leaves. Sun or shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect below 30F.  [K. beharensis var. nuda, Hort., K.'Slick'] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe bracteata Silver Teaspoons - Succulent shrub with white gray oval leaves and red flowers in summer. Full sun. Little irrigation required. Great in pots. Hardy to around 28 F.   
Kalanchoe bracteata forma glabra Green Teaspoons - Succulent shrub with green oval leaves and red flowers in summer. Full sun. Little irrigation required. Great in pots. Hardy to around 28 F.  [Kalanchoe bracteata ssp. glabra] 
Kalanchoe carnea 'Modoc' Big Leaf Kalanchoe - Shrubby upright succulent 3-4 ft. tall w/ large light green lvs and pink flowers- grows in shady, dry spots, blooms better in sun. Hardy to 18.  [Kalanchoe laciniata] 
Kalanchoe 'Fang' Stalactite Plant - Small succulent shrub 2-3' tall w/gray-brown velvety leaves w//tubercles on lower surface . Sun or shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.   
No longer in production
Kalanchoe 'Fantastic' PP21,945 Variegated Paddle Plant - Succulent to 1-2' tall w/pale yellow flwrs on tall stalks. Sun/Light shade. Low-moderate H2O. Hardy to 25-30 F. [K. thyrsiflora, 'Fantastic', Hort.]  [K thyrsiflora Variegated Desert Rose 'Shave Ice'] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Majestic Scallops' Large Lavender Scallops - Subshrub to 2' tall w/lavender tinged gray scalloped lvs & red-brown flwrs spring-summer. Coastal full sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.   
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Variegata' Variegated Lavender Scallops - Subshrub 1-2' tall w/lavender tinged gray white margined lvs & red-brown flwrs spring-summer. Cool full sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.   
No longer in production
Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri Donkey Ears - Succulent to 18" tall w/large gray lvs splotched w/maroon and 2-3' tall spikes in fall w/salmon flwrs. Full sun/shade. Litte H2O. Protect from frost.  [K. adolph-engleri, Bryophyllum gastonis-bonnieri] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe grandiflora Yellow Kalanchoe - Upright succulent to 3' with blue-green foliage. Small fragrant yellow flowers in late spring. Water occasionally. Hardy to 28F.   
Kalanchoe humilis Succulent shrub to 1-3' w/open rosettes of maroon spotted gray-green lvs & summer small purple flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Low H2O. Hardy ?  [K. prasina, K. figueiredoi] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe 'John Bleck' Upright succulent 2-3' tall w/green lvs w/red serrated edges. Late winter flwrs are purple & orange. Full/part sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 25-30F.  [K. 'Arrowhead''] 
Kalanchoe luciae Paddle Plant - Perennial succulent 1-2' tall w/pale yellow flwrs on tall stalks. Sun/Light shade. Low-Moderate water needs. 25-30 F. [K. thyrsiflora, Hort.]  [K. thyrsiflora, Hort., K tetraphylla, Hort.] 
Kalanchoe marmorata 'Seacrest' Penwiper - Succulent shrub 2-4' tall w/large gray lvs often maroon spotted & winter white flwrs. Full/part sun in well drained soil. Occasional H20. Hardy to 25F   
Kalanchoe marnieriana Marnier's Kalanchoe - Succulent subshrub 1-2' tall by 2-3' wide w/rounded blue-green lvs tinged pink & pink flwrs winter-summer. Full sun/shade. Little H20. Hardy to 25F.  [Bryophyllum marnierianum] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe 'Oak Leaf' Dwarf Velvet Plant - Shrub to 2 to 3' tall w/gray-white triangular lobed velvety leaves. Sun or shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.   
Kalanchoe orgyalis Copper Spoons - Slow growing shrub 3-6' tall & wide w/cinnamon colored ovate lvs & yellow flwrs winter/spring. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.   
Kalanchoe 'Pink Zinfandel' Subshrub to 2' tall w/maroon scalloped lvs & pink flwrs spring-summer. Coastal full sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.   
Kalanchoe prolifera Blooming Boxes - Tall succulent to 6+ ft w/unique long succulent pinnate lvs topped by 3' inflorescence w/green & orange flrs. Sun or shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.  [Bryophyllum proliferum, B. calycinum] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe pumila Flower Dust Plant - Low growing succulent shrub to 8-12" tall w/pink flowers in late winter or early spring. Sun/Light shade. Low water needs. 25-30 degrees F.  [K. pumila 'Silver Gray'] 
Kalanchoe sexangularis Six-angled Kalanchoe - Succulent subshrub 2-3' tall w/red tinged green lvs, angled stems & tall yellow flwrs winter to spring. Cool sun/light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F  [K. hexangularis, Hort.] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 'Silver Platter' Succulent w/broad rounded chalky green to white lvs w/n red tinge (unlike K. luciae) & fragrant yellow flowers. Full sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 25 F.  [Kalanchoe tetraphylla, Hort] 
No longer in production
Kalanchoe tomentosa Panda Plant - Small succulent to 24" tall w/narrow brown tip gray fuzzy lvs & summer green-brown flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.   
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier' Chocolate Soldier Panda Plant - Small succulent to 24" tall w/narrow brown fuzzy lvs & green-brown flwrs in summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.   
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