Euphorbia antisyphilitica |
Candelilla - Upright succulent to 2-3' tall spreading by suckers w/round gray green erect stems & whitle flwrs. Little/no H2O. Full sun/light shade. Hardy to 10F.
Euphorbia aphylla |
Leafless Spurge - Small succulent leafless shrub 1-2' tall w/green stems & yellow flwrs. Full sun. Well-drained soil. Little H2O. Seaside tolerant. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia 'Big Yellow' |
Yellow Crown of Thorns - Succulent w/ upright stems to 3-4' tall. Yellow flowers (bracts) year-round. Drought tolerant. Full sun to light shade. Hardy to 30-32 F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia Blackbird ['Nothowlee'] PP17,178 |
Blackbird Spurge - Perennial to 22" tall w/purple lvs & yellow flwr clusters in spring. Full sun/ light shade. Good drainage. Hardy 0 F. PP17,178 Propagation prohibited.
No longer in production
Euphorbia canariensis |
Canary Island Spurge - A stout shrub to 5-6' + & as wide w/upright green squarish stems & reddish spring flwrs. Good draining soil w/little to no H2O required. Hardy to 25F
Euphorbia caput-medusae |
Medusa's Head - Succulent mounding groundcover to 8" tall x 4-5' wide w/radiating cylindricl stems & summer white flwrs. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15-20F.
Euphorbia characias 'Bruce's Dwarf' |
Bruce's Dwarf Euphorbia - Succulent perennial 2-3' tall with chartreuse flowers in spring/summer. Full sun/Light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 0 to 10 degrees F.
Euphorbia characias 'Glacier Blue' PP19,027 |
Perennial 15" tall & wide w/cream margined blue-green lvs & spring flwrs. Full sun. Average/little H2O. Hardy to 10F. Propagation Strictly Prohibited.
No longer in production
Euphorbia characias 'Portuguese Velvet' |
Succulent perennial to 2-3' tall w/ velvety lvs & chartreuse flwrs spring/summer. Full sun/Light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 0 to 10 degrees F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia characias 'Tasmanian Tiger' PP15,715 |
Variegated Spurge - Perennial 3' tall w/variegated foliage & flower bracts in summer. Full sun/Light shade. Hardy to 0 to 10 degrees F. Propagation Strictly Prohibited.
[E. ‘Tassie Tiger’]
No longer in production
Euphorbia clandestina |
Volstruisnek - Columnar succulent 1-2' tall w/green tuberculed stems topped w/narrow lvs. Spring green flwrs. Full sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 20-25 F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia cotinifolia |
Caribbean Copper Plant - Deciduous upright growing shrub/ small to 8-15' tall w/rounded red lvs & white flwrs. Full coasal sun. Moderate water. Stems hardy to around 28F.
[E. sanguinea, Hort.]
Euphorbia 'Despina' |
Compact shrub 18" tall w/blue-green lvs turning purple in fall w/yellow flwrs in spring. Full sun/Light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 0 to 10 F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' |
Perennial 1' foot tall & wide with burgundy lvs & yellow bracts turning to dark purple in the fall. Quite frost hardy and prefers full sun. 0-10 F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia 'Excalibur' |
Selected for its red colored spring shoots and attractive foliage followed by yellow summer inflorescence. A reliable clump forming perennial.
No longer in production
Euphorbia 'Flamingo' |
Succulent with thick spiny stems topped with pink flower bracts in summer. Sun/Light shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 25-30 F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia Helena's Blush ['Inneuphhel'] PP17,555 |
Helena Spurge - Perennial 14" x 18" w/red tinged lvs & flwrs variegated yellow. Full sun. Well drained soil. Regular H2O. Hardy. Propagation Strictly Prohibited.
[E. 'Helena, Hort.]
No longer in production
Euphorbia hypericifolia Diamond Frost ['Inneuphdia'] PP17567 |
Diamond Frost PP17,567 - Perennial 2'x3' w/white bracts year-round & smal l green lvs. Full sun/shade. Well drained soil. Occasional H2O. To 28F. Plant Propagation Prohibited.
[Chamaesyce hypericifolia]
No longer in production
Euphorbia lambii |
Tree Euphorbia - Evergreen tree. Full sun. Low water needs. Chartreuse flowers in spring. 6-10' tall. 25-30 degrees F.
[E. bourgaeana, E. lambiorum]
Euphorbia leucodendron |
Cat Tails Euphorbia - Shrub to 4-6 feet tall (treeform at 12' in habitat) w/cylindrial pale green arching stems. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little/no H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[Euphorbia alluaudii, Tirucallia alluadii]
Euphorbia mauritanica |
Pencil Milkbush - Succulent shrub to 3-4' tall w/green stems & yellow winter flwrs. Low water needs. Hardy to 25 F Avoid poisonous white sap!
Euphorbia milii 'Aurea' |
Yellow Crown of Thorns - Small evergreen shrub to 1-2' tall with thorny succulent stems and yellow flowers. Low water needs and full sun. Hardy to 28 degrees F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia milii 'Fireworks' |
Fireworks Crown of Thorns - Evergreen shrub 12-18" tall w/thorny succulent stems green, white & red lvs & red flowers. Low water needs. Full sun/light shade. Hardy to 28 F.
[Euphorbia 'BK Fireworks']
Euphorbia milli var. splendens 'Apache Red' |
Red Christ Thorn - Shrub to 5-6 ' tall w/upright spiny stems, green leaves & red flowers year-round. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F
Euphorbia Miner's Merlot ['KM-MM024'] PP32,321 |
Miner's Merlot Wood Spurge - 24" tall perennial w/dark burgundy lvs & spring yellow flwr bracts. Full sun/ light shade. Good drainage. Hardy 0 F. Propagation prohibited. PP32,321
Euphorbia myrsinites |
Myrtle Spurge - Perennial to 6" tall by 1-2' wide with blue-gray foliage and yellow-green flowers in late winter. Full Sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy <0 F.
Euphorbia polygona |
African Milk Barrel - Succulent to 18-24" tall w/ thick gray-green spiny stems w/red flower-like cyathia. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[E. horrida var. major]
Euphorbia polygona var. minor |
Dwarf African Milk Barrel - Short small upright ridged and spiny cylindrical succulent stems to 10" w/ small yellow cyathia. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Hardy to 25F.
Euphorbia pulcherrima 'St Louis Red' |
Garden Poinsettia - Shrub to 6-10'tall and wide w/ green lvs and large red bracts in fall & winter. Full sun in a well drained soil. Occasional irrigation. Hardy to 32F.
No longer in production
Euphorbia Red Wing ['Charam'] |
Perennial 20" tall mound of green foliage w/flwr clusters that emerge red before turning yellow. Full sun/ light shade. Good drainage. Hardy to <0 F
[E. 'Charam']
No longer in production