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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Category > Bamboo > Borinda fungosa
Borinda fungosa - Chocolate Bamboo

Note: This plant is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.  
Image of Borinda fungosa
[2nd Image]
Habit and Cultural Information
Category: Bamboo
Family: Poaceae (Gramineae) (Grasses)
Origin: China (Asia)
Evergreen: Yes
Bloomtime: Infrequent
Synonyms: [Fargesia fungosa]
Height: 12-14 feet
Width: Clumping
Exposure: Cool Sun/Light Shade
Irrigation (H2O Info): Medium Water Needs
Winter Hardiness: 10-15° F
Borinda fungosa (Chocolate Bamboo) - A medium small-sized clumping bamboo that has 12- to 15-foot-tall narrow dark reddish-brown culms that rise vertically, then bend over gracefully under the weight of the foliage, which emerges from clusters of branchlets at the upper culm joints. Culm sheaths are pale pinkish in color, which adds to the beauty of this plant.

Plant in full to part sun along coast and protect with shade inland. Water regularly. Hardy to 15 F. An attractive smaller clumping bamboo.

Borinda fungosa is a relatively recent introduction from northeastern Yunnan, China, where it grows from 6,000 to 9,000 feet and the culms are used for weaving. The name for the genus name Borinda honors Dr Norman Bor, Head of the Grasses Section and Deputy Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. This plant was originally identified as Fargesia fungosa but Kew Botanist Chris Stapleton proposed that this plant be moved to the new genus Borinda in 1998 because its inflorescences were open and unspathed and the name Sinarundinaria fungosa was also proposed for it. In 2021 Stapleton separated it from Borinda into a new distinct genus, Tongpeia, on the grounds of both morphology and molecular phylogeny and published the name in the Journal American Bamboo Society and this genus now includes 2 additional species. The name honors the Chinese bamboo taxonomist Professor Yi Tong-Pei. Our original stock was from Suncrest Nurseries who selected this dark chocolate clone from plants raised from seeds provided by the late Dr. Xue Ji-ru of the Southwestern Forestry College. Since we received this plant as Borinda fungosa we continue to list it under this name. 

The information about Borinda fungosa displayed on this web page is based on our research conducted in the nursery's horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We also include observations made about it as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We will also incorporate comments we receive from others and welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they can share cultural information that would aid others in growing this plant.