Home > Products > Grass Page > Cotaderia selloana 'Pumila'

Cotaderia selloana 'Pumila' in the nursery garden |
A smaller, finer textured version of Cortaderia selloana, reaching 4-6 ft. tall with 6-7 ft. flower spikes. This is the most floriferous cultivar of Pampas Grass: In late summer a single plant can have over 100 flower stalks. An excellent grass for a larger area. Drought resistant. Native to South America. Originally thought to be a sterile plant Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila' is now known to produce some viable seed. Given the number of flowers produced this has caused us to label the plant as "nearly sterile". A large plant in our own garden produced only 1 seedling over the course of 3 flowering seasons. Although this plant has not proved to be a weed pest in Southern California, there is growing concern about the planting of any species of Cortaderia and care should be exercised exercised when planting this grass in in locations where seed may spread into sensitive habitats. Due to concern about this plant's potential weediness we have discontinued growing this plant. We also urge gardeners to be wary when planting any Cortaderia and be particularly careful not to plant forms of Cortaderia jubata!
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