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Dew on Muhlenbergia capillaris in the San Marcos Growers Gardens |
A beautiful grass from south-eastern United States with stunning pink, airy flowering panicles
that hover cloud-like above the fine textured olive-green foliage. The foliage of this grass reaches to nearly 2 feet tall with the flowers topping
3 feet. The flowers first appear in September and remain pink for over a month, slowly aging towards brown into winter. Cut back the plants
when first becoming dormant, or leave as an attractive brown accent until early spring. Although this grass comes from moister habitats, it is
surprisingly drought resistant. Looks best with an occasional watering.
The garden pictured was planted in 1993 in the area surrounding the nursery loading docks. In this planting are several large clumps
of the Hairy Awn Muhly (Muhlenbergia capillaris). The rose-red inflorescences trap the morning dew and provide for an unexpected
and showy spectacle. The metal salmon was created by Dave Fross (Cuttings) whose artwork, which is available through San Marcos
Growers, is placed throughout the garden.
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