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John Greenlee peering over a great book!
Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses
How to Grow and Use Over 250 Beautiful
and Versatile Plants
by John Greenlee
Foreward by Wolgang Oehme
John Greenlee's name has become synonomous with the fantastic world of ornamental grass. Additionally, John is at the forefront of the war agianst the tradional American lawn.
In an article by Wade Graham in The New Yorker titled The Grassman asks "Can John Greenlee do away with the lawn?"
His book, with cultural and descriptive information coupled with over 250 photographs, many by noted photographer Derek Fell,
is a great addition to the horticultural library or to the coffee table.
The book is logically broken into three sections. The first introduces the reader to ornamental grass and grass nomenclature. The second section, and the bulk of
the book, is a descriptive listing of all the ornamental grasses that a gardener is likely to encounter. The last section of the book
deals with how to use and design with these grasses.
"The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses belongs on every serious gardener's bookshelf. John Greenlee's book is not only clear
and concise, it is complete. Well done John."
Carole Ottesen
Author of Ornamental Grasses: The Amber Wave
More recently John Greenlee has authored The American Meadow Garden (Timber Press, 2009) and is designing gardens and speaking at conferences worldwide about the creation of naturalistic looking meadows. He can be contacted at John Greenlee and Associates.
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