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Home > Products > Plant Introduction Programs >UCSC Koala Blooms Introduction Program

  Plant Introduction Programs: UCSC Koala Blooms Introduction Program
UCSC Koala Blooms Introduction Program

The Arboretum at the University of California Santa Cruz has long been acknowledged as having one of the best Australian plant collections in the United States. They also have had the distinction of being one of the few USDA approved quarantine sites for importing plants in the Citrus family, Rutaceae. This is a particularly important aspect of the garden as there are many very attractive genera in this family in Australia.

In 1998, through a joint effort by Rodger Elliot, of Koala Blooms, Brett Hall of the UCSC and several California nurseries, a marketing group was formed with the purpose of bringing new Australian plants into the California nursery trade in such a way that it would benefit the UCSC Arboretum. The nurseries currently involved in this program are Astone's Protea, Crescent Hill Nursery, Monterey Bay Nursery, Protea USA, Rosendale Nursery/Sierra Azul, San Marcos Growers, Soquel Nursery Growers and Suncrest Nursery. Our goal is to introduce several worthy new Australian plants every year with royalties returned to the Arboretum. In fall of 2001 the first plants from the program were jointly introduced by the participating nurseries.

Koala Blooms plants we currently are growing

Adenanthos cuneatus 'Coral Drift' - 2007 Introduction

Adenanthos 'Silver Haze' - 2015 Introduction

Aphanopetalum resinosum 'Gossamer Wings' - 2008 Introduction

Banksia ericifolia 'Fireworks' - 2012 Introduction

Callistemon 'Cane's Hybrid' - 2002 Introduction

Calothamnus gracilis 'Spring Torch' - 2012 Introduction

Ceratopetalum gummiferum 'Fairley's Coral' 2018 Introduction

Chamelaucium ciliatum 'Scaddan' - 2008 Introduction

Chorizema 'Bush Flame' - 2002 Introduction

Chrysocephalum 'Silver and Gold' - 2006 Introduction

Correa glabra 'Coliban River' - 2011 Introduction

Correa pulchella 'Pink Eyre' - 2003 Introduction

Correa pulchella 'Pink Flamingo' - 2001 Introduction

Correa reflexa 'Kangaroo Island' - 2011 Introduction

Correa 'Ray's Tangerine' - 2002 Introduction

Dampiera trigona 'Purple Wire' - 2013 Introduction

Grevillea lanigera 'Coastal Gem' - 2001 Introduction

Grevillea nudiflora 'Medusa' - 2009 Introduction

Hardenbergia violacea 'Mini Haha' - 2015 Introduction

Leptospermum scoparium 'Star Carpet' 2017 Introduction

Pandorea pandorana 'Golden Showers' - 2003 Introduction

Pultanea pedunculata 'Grampians Gold' - 2012 Introduction

Thomasia solanacea 'Velvet Star' - 2008 Introduction

Koala Blooms Plants we no longer are growing

Adenanthos detmoldii 'Metallica' - 2006 Introduction (Discontinued)

Banksia spinulosa 'Schnapper Point' - 2002 Introduction (Discontinued)

Boronia clavata 'Heather Wand' - 2004 Introduction (Discontinued)

Boronia crenulata 'Rosy Splendor' - 2001 Introduction (Discontinued)

Correa alba var. pannosa 'Western Pink Star' - 2004 Introduction (Discontinued)

Boronia 'Carousel' - 2011 Introduction (Discontinued)

Boronia megastigma 'Jack Maquire's Red' - 2004 Introduction (Discontinued)

Brachysema praemorsum 'Bronze Butterfly' - 2002 Introduction (Discontinued)

Correa lawrenceana 'Eiffel Tower' - 2014 Introduction

Correa reflexa 'Cape Carpet' - 2005 Introduction (Discontinued)

Correa reflexa 'Carpenter Rocks' - 2002 Introduction (Discontinued)

Crowea exalata 'Southern Stars' - 2007 Introduction (Discontinued)

Crowea 'Festival' - 2011 Introduction (Discontinued)

Darwinia citriodora 'Seaspray' - 2005 Introduction (Discontinued)

Darwinia leiostyla 'Mt Trio' - 2013 Introduction (Discontinued)

Diplolaena angustifolia 'Orange Urchin' - 2005 Introduction (Discontinued)

Diplolaena dampieri 'Feather Duster' - 2007 Introduction (Discontinued)

Grevillea 'Cherry Royale' - No longer being grown by San Marcos Growers

Grevillea petrophiloides 'Big Bird' - 2012 Introduction (Discontinued)

Grevillea 'Granya Glory' - 2002 Introduction (Discontinued)

Grevillea 'Poorinda Signet' - 2009 Introduction (Discontinued)

Grevillea synapheae 'Picasso' - 2008 Introduction (Discontinued)

Hakea salicifolia 'Gold Medal' - 2009 Introduction

Hypocalymma angustifolia 'Powder Puff' - 2010 Introduction (Discontinued)

Kennedia beckxiana 'Flamboyant' - 2011 Introduction (Discontinued)

Nematolepis frondosum 'Elizabeth' - 2004 Introduction (Discontinued)

Olearia phlogopappa 'Dilly Dilly' 2016 Introduction

Philotheca myoporoides 'Galaxy' - 2003 Introduction (Discontinued)

Philotheca salsolifolia 'Tutu' - 2010 Introduction (Discontinued)

Philotheca verrucosa 'Starbright' - 2004 Introduction (Discontinued)

Pimelea ciliata 'Snow Clouds' - 2007 Introduction (Discontinued)

Pimelea humilis 'Small Fry' - 2007 Introduction (Discontinued)

Prostanthera baxteri 'Lavender Moon' - 2010 Introduction (Discontinued)

Prostanthera 'Poorinda Bride' - 2003 Introduction (Discontinued)

Telopea 'Fireball' - 2014 Introduction (Discontinued)

Tetratheca 'Amethyst Eyes' - 2012 Introduction (Discontinued)

Tetratheca ericifolia 'Heathland Gem' - 2004 Introduction (Discontinued)

Tremandra stelligera 'Karri Violet' - 2006 Introduction (Discontinued)

Thomasia grandiflora 'Mt Lesueur' - 2010 Introduction (Discontinued)

Verticordia plumosa 'Pink Lace' - 2003 Introduction (Discontinued)

Possible Future UCSC Koala Blooms Plants

Acacia baileyana 'Winter Flame' 77.62

Backhousia citriodora 89.386

Baeckea camphorata 78.134

Banksia marginata 'Mini Marge'

Crowea ''Pink Blush' 98.130

Dampiera purpurea 98.137

Grevillea tetragonoloba 'Ray's Red'

Kennedia retrorsa 98.23

Leptospermum polygalifolium 'Cardwell'

Zieria arborescens ''Nimbus''