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Home > Products > Plant Introduction Programs > San Marcos Growers Introductions > New Plants for 2015

  New Plants for 2015


Each year San Marcos Growers adds new plants to its product line. Often these plants represent new plant introductions into the nursery trade. In some cases these "new plants" have been grown before by us and/or by other nurseries and we have decided to grow them again. It is often because of input from our customers that we decide to grow certain plants and we encourage our customers to contact us to let us know if there are plants that they think we should grow. In 2015 we added the following plants into production. For the current year's new plants and links to other years' new plants please see NEW 2025 Plants.


Abutilon palmeri
Aesculus californica
Agapanthus 'Ponto's Queen of the Nile' PP21,522
Agapanthus praecox ssp orientalis 'Full Moon' PPAF
Agapanthus 'Purple Delight'
Agave attenuata 'Boutin Blue'
Agave cupreata
Agave gentryi
Agave impressa 'Green Giant'
Agave mapisaga var. lisa
Agave 'Risner Bill'
Aloe africana
Aloe antandroi
Aloe brevifolia var. depressa
Aloe camperi 'Yellow'
Aloe capitata var. quarziticola
Aloe chabaudii 'Dan's Tangerine
Aloe ciliaris var. tidmarshii
Aloe 'David's Delight'
Aloe dawei 'Yellow'
Aloe decurva
Aloe deltoideodonta 'Sparkler'
Aloe dhufarensis
Aloe harlana
Aloe munchii
Aloe Safari Orange ['Andora']
Aloe 'Safari Rose' PPAF
Aloe Safari Sunrise ['X5'] PP23,267
Aloe 'Thorny Warrior'
Aloe 'Zanzibar'
Alstroemeria Dark Purple [Tesdarklin'] PPAF
Alstroemeria Indigo ['Tesindig'] PPAF
Alstroemeria Maya [Tesmaya'] PPAF
Alstroemeria Sunlight ['Tessunlight'] PPAF
Alstroemeria Valentino ['Tesvalen'] PPAF
Alstroemeria White Pink Heart ['Tesheartin'] PPAF
Alyogyne 'Lady Barbara Rose'
Anigozanthos 'Amber Velvet'
Anigozanthos 'Gold Velvet' PP21,178
Asclepias species
Bulbine abyssinica
Bulbine natalensis
Cantua buxifolia
Clinopodium mexicanum
Cordia africana
Cordyline Electric Flash ['Sprilecflash'] PPAF
Crotalaria agatiflora
Cryptostephanus vansonii
Cycas panzhihuaensis
Delosperma echinatum
Dioon rzedowskii
Echeveria 'Blue Dude'
Echeveria gibbiflora 'David Harris'
Euryops pectinatus
Euryops pectinatus 'Viridis'
Hardenbergia violacea 'Mini Haha'
Heteromeles arbutifolia 'Davis Gold'
Impatiens arguta
Kalanchoe beharensis var. subnuda
Kalanchoe prolifera
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier'
Leucophyllum frutescens 'Los Alamitos'
Leucospermum 'Goldfinger'
Mimulus 'Fiesta Marigold'
Ophiopogon umbraticola
Opuntia ficus-indica 'Burbank Spineless'
Pachyveria 'Bill Baker'
Platanus racemosa 'Witness Tree'
Plectranthus ciliatus 'Zulu Wonder'
Plectranthus strigosus
Polygala myrtifolia 'More Mesa Grande'
Prunus caroliniana 'Monus'
Puya laxa
Salvia guaranitica 'Black & Blue'
Sansevieria 'Alice'
Sansevieria erythraeae
Sedum furfuraceum
Sinningia cardinalis
Sinningia leucotricha
Strelitzia juncea 'Spoons'