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Home > Products > Plant Introduction Programs > San Marcos Growers Introductions > New Plants for 2017

  New Plants for 2017


Each year San Marcos Growers adds new plants to its product line. Often these plants represent new plant introductions into the nursery trade. In some cases these "new plants" have been grown before by us and/or by other nurseries and we have decided to grow them again. It is often because of input from our customers that we decide to grow certain plants and we encourage our customers to contact us to let us know if there are plants that they think we should grow. In 2017 we added the following plants into production. For the current year's new plants and links to other years' new plants please see NEW 2025 Plants.


Aechmea caudata var. variegata
Aeonium 'Plum Purdy'
Agapanthus 'Midnight'
Agapanthus Twister ['AMBIC001'] PP25,519
Agave atrovirens
Agave gracielae
Agave guiengola 'Medio Picta'
Agave potatorum 'Cherry Swizzle'
Agave potatorum 'El Camarón'
Agave potatorum 'Ikari Raijin Nishiki'
Agave striata forma purpurea
Agave titanota 'Medio Picta'
Aloe bulbillifera var. paulianae
Aloe camperi 'Cornuta'
Aloe cheranganiensis
Aloe debrana
Aloe divaricata
Aloe elegans 'Yellow'
Aloe eminens 'Koko Crater'
Aloe helenae
Aloe inermis
Aloe 'Lode's Yellow'
Aloe 'Malibu Peach'
Aloe mawii
Aloe 'Pandan'
Aloe morijensis
Aloe mutabilis
Aloe 'Samson'
Aloe succotrina
Aloe 'Verity Nice'
Angophora costata
Anigozanthos Everlasting Gold 'KP02' PPAF
Anigozanthos 'Landscape Lilac'
Asclepias fascicularis
Begonia 'Lotusland'
Begonia 'Red Fred'
Bouteloua gracilis 'Pestaña de Angel'
Callisia repens
Centaurea ragusina
Chrysanthemoides incana
Clivia 'Orange Trumpet'
Clivia 'Salmon Beauty'
Cotoneaster 'Ladder Leaf'
Crassula ovata 'Big Alice'
Crassula spathulata
Cyphostemma juttae
Dracaena serrulata
Dyckia floribunda 'La Rioja'
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria gibiflora 'Alpha 105'
Echeveria gibiflora 'Ursa Minor'
Echeveria 'Laulindsa'
Echeveria x imbricata 'Gray Swirl'
Encelia californica 'Paleo Yellow'
Epilobium canum 'Diamondback'
Eremophila glabra 'Mingenew Gold'
Erepsia pillansii
Euryops chrysanthemoides
Galvezia speciosa 'Pink Panther'
Gasteria glomerata
Grevillea 'Kings Fire' PPAF
Grevillea 'Kings Rainbow' PPAF
Hesperaloe Pink Parade ['Perfu'] PP21,728
Hylocereus costaricensis 'Kip's Red'
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Brown Dwarf'
Kalanchoe bracteata forma glabra
Lampranthus 'Hot Flash'
Lepechinia hastata
Leucadendron 'Jubilee Crown'
Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Lynn's Legacy'
Liriope muscari 'Peedee Gold Ingot'
Lomandra fluviatilis Shara ['AU807'] PP23,950
Lomandra Platinum Beauty ['Roma13'] PP25,962
Monstera deliciosa
Ocimum labiatum
Olearia phlogopappa 'Dilly Dilly'
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Teague's Black'
Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola
Pachyveria 'Haageana Tolimanensis'
Pennisetum massaicum
Phormium 'Pink Mist'
Piper auritum
Piper elongatum
Poa cita
Portulacaria afra 'Cork Bark'
Portulacaria afra 'Skyscraper'
Puya 'Ed Hummell'
Quillaja saponaria
Ribes speciosum
Salvia leucantha Danielle's Dream ['Ferpink'] PP21,734
Salvia 'Phyllis Fancy'
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Singer's Silver'
Senecio palmeri 'Silver and Gold'
Senecio galpinii
Teucrium betonicum
Tulbaghia 'Ashanti'
Tulbaghia 'Himba' PP27,385
Tulbaghia violacea 'Savannah Lightning'
Vriecantarea 'Julietta' PP26,259
Xerosicyos danguyi