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Succulents at San Marcos Growers
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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Category > Succulent

Plant Category: Succulent
This category puts together plants that have adapted to extreme xeric conditions by developing methods of retaining moisture in their succulent or swollen stem, leaves or caudex (base). In the classic sense this includes the leafless stems of cacti but also includes the less obviously succulent Yucca. Also see our Succulent Page for more information.
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Adromischus cristatus Crinkle-Leaf Plant - Small succulent to 4-6" tall with brown aerial roots and undulating triangular leaves. Plant in full/part sun in well drained soil. Hardy to 25 F. 
Aechmea caudata var. variegata Variegated Tail Bromeliad - Evergreen bromeliad to 3' tall w/cream striped lvs & yellow flwrs w/red buds & bracts. Full sun/part shade. Occasional H20. Hardy to 20F. 
Aechmea distichantha Brazilian Vaseplant - Evergreen terrestial Bromeliad to 2-3' tall by 3-4' wide. Rigid lvs & spring violet-blue flwrs w/showy pink bracts. Full sun /shade. Hardy to 20-25 F. 
Aechmea recurvata var. benrathii False Tillandsia - Spreading clumps to 18" tall w/ thin narrow green recurved lvs & pink to purple flwrs in spring. Full sun to shade. Little H2O. Hardy to <25F. 
Aechmea recurvata var. recurvata False Tillandsia - Small rosette forming plant w/yellow green lvs that turn red when flwrs appear in spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little H2o. Hardy to 20F. 
Aeonium 'Alice Keck Park' Succulent to 18" tall with red tinged green leaves in flat rosettes. Plant in full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 28 degrees F 
Aeonium arboreum Tree Aeonium - Succulent w/rosettes of green lvs on 2-3' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum' Purple Aeonium - Succulent to 3' tall w/purple rosettes & yellow flowers in late spring/ early summer. Full to part sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Electra' Purple Pinwheel Aeonium - Succulent w/uniform heads of purple lvs on 1-2' tall stems & yellow summer flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Tip Top' Dwarf Tree Aeonium - Succulent w/rosettes of red lvs on <1' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' Black Rose Aeonium - Succulent w/black-purple foliage on 3-4' tall stems & yellow flwrs in summer. Part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28 degrees F. 
Aeonium aureum Green Rose Buds - Succulent w/green lvs that ball up w/summer dormancy. Yellow flwrs when plant matures. Cool sun/shade. Good drainage. Little Summer H20. Hardy to 28F 
Aeonium balsamiferum Balsam Houseleek - Succulent w/rosettes of green lvs on 3-4' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F. 
Aeonium 'Blackbeard' Blackbeard Aeonium - Succulent w/dark purple- red leaves in rosettes on 2-4' tall stems. Full sun/light shade in well drained soil. Low water needs. Hardy to 25-30F. 
Aeonium 'Blushing Beauty' Blushing Aeonium - Succulent w/red tinged green leaves in rosettes on 1-2' tall stems. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Irrigate occasionally. Hardy to 25-30F. 
Aeonium 'Bronze Medal' Bronze Medal House Leek - Succulent 18" tall shrub w/tight rosettes of bronze tinged green lvs & yellow flwrs. Full/part sun. Little H20. Hardy to 25F. 
Aeonium canariensis var. virgineum Virgin Ravine Aeonium - Clustering succulent to 12" tall w/rosettes of red tinged fuzzy green lvs. Full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 25 degrees F 
Aeonium 'Carol' Succulent to 18" tall with red tinged green leaves in flat rosettes. Plant in full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 28 degrees F 
Aeonium castello-paivae 'Suncup' Small subshrub to 1' tall w/rosettes of pale green lvs splashed w/white & spring white flwrs. Cool sun/bright shade. Little H2O. Hardy to around 25F. 
Aeonium ciliatum Succulent w/gray-green lvs in rosettes on stout-stems 4-6' tall & white summer flwrs . Full sun(coastal)/light shade. Occasional water. Hardy 25-30 F. 
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