Adromischus cristatus |
Crinkle-Leaf Plant - Small succulent to 4-6" tall with brown aerial roots and undulating triangular leaves. Plant in full/part sun in well drained soil. Hardy to 25 F.
Aechmea caudata var. variegata |
Variegated Tail Bromeliad - Evergreen bromeliad to 3' tall w/cream striped lvs & yellow flwrs w/red buds & bracts. Full sun/part shade. Occasional H20. Hardy to 20F.
Aechmea distichantha |
Brazilian Vaseplant - Evergreen terrestial Bromeliad to 2-3' tall by 3-4' wide. Rigid lvs & spring violet-blue flwrs w/showy pink bracts. Full sun /shade. Hardy to 20-25 F.
Aechmea recurvata var. benrathii |
False Tillandsia - Spreading clumps to 18" tall w/ thin narrow green recurved lvs & pink to purple flwrs in spring. Full sun to shade. Little H2O. Hardy to <25F.
Aechmea recurvata var. recurvata |
False Tillandsia - Small rosette forming plant w/yellow green lvs that turn red when flwrs appear in spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little H2o. Hardy to 20F.
Aeonium 'Alice Keck Park' |
Succulent to 18" tall with red tinged green leaves in flat rosettes. Plant in full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 28 degrees F
Aeonium arboreum |
Tree Aeonium - Succulent w/rosettes of green lvs on 2-3' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.
Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum' |
Purple Aeonium - Succulent to 3' tall w/purple rosettes & yellow flowers in late spring/ early summer. Full to part sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
Aeonium arboreum 'Electra' |
Purple Pinwheel Aeonium - Succulent w/uniform heads of purple lvs on 1-2' tall stems & yellow summer flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28F.
Aeonium arboreum 'Tip Top' |
Dwarf Tree Aeonium - Succulent w/rosettes of red lvs on <1' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.
Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' |
Black Rose Aeonium - Succulent w/black-purple foliage on 3-4' tall stems & yellow flwrs in summer. Part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28 degrees F.
Aeonium aureum |
Green Rose Buds - Succulent w/green lvs that ball up w/summer dormancy. Yellow flwrs when plant matures. Cool sun/shade. Good drainage. Little Summer H20. Hardy to 28F
Aeonium balsamiferum |
Balsam Houseleek - Succulent w/rosettes of green lvs on 3-4' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.
Aeonium 'Blackbeard' |
Blackbeard Aeonium - Succulent w/dark purple- red leaves in rosettes on 2-4' tall stems. Full sun/light shade in well drained soil. Low water needs. Hardy to 25-30F.
Aeonium 'Blushing Beauty' |
Blushing Aeonium - Succulent w/red tinged green leaves in rosettes on 1-2' tall stems. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Irrigate occasionally. Hardy to 25-30F.
Aeonium 'Bronze Medal' |
Bronze Medal House Leek - Succulent 18" tall shrub w/tight rosettes of bronze tinged green lvs & yellow flwrs. Full/part sun. Little H20. Hardy to 25F.
Aeonium canariensis var. virgineum |
Virgin Ravine Aeonium - Clustering succulent to 12" tall w/rosettes of red tinged fuzzy green lvs. Full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 25 degrees F
Aeonium 'Carol' |
Succulent to 18" tall with red tinged green leaves in flat rosettes. Plant in full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 28 degrees F
Aeonium castello-paivae 'Suncup' |
Small subshrub to 1' tall w/rosettes of pale green lvs splashed w/white & spring white flwrs. Cool sun/bright shade. Little H2O. Hardy to around 25F.
Aeonium ciliatum |
Succulent w/gray-green lvs in rosettes on stout-stems 4-6' tall & white summer flwrs . Full sun(coastal)/light shade. Occasional water. Hardy 25-30 F.