Actinidia deliciosa 'Tomuri' (Male) |
Kiwi Fruit - Deciduous vine spreading to 30' w/cream flowers in spring. The pollinator for fruit bearing plant. Part Sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10-15 F.
Actinidia deliciosa 'Vincent' (Female) |
Kiwi Fruit - Deciduous vine spreading to 30' w/cream flowers in spring. Fruit in fall. Needs male pollinator. Part Sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10-15 F.
Akebia quinata |
Chocolate Vine - Deciduous vine. Compound 5 leaflet lvs & fragrant purplish brown blooms in late winter. Sun/Light Shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy well below 0 F.
Aphanopetalum resinosum 'Gossamer Wings' |
Shiny-leaved Gum Vine - Low shrub or small vine (w/support) w/glossy lvs. & spring greenish cream flwrs. Shade. Regular h2o. Hardy to 15-20F. Koala Blooms Australian Intro
Aristolochia gigantea |
Pelican Flower - Fast growing vine w/ triangular leaves and flowers of purple-maroon with yellow-orange. Plant in sunny spot w/ summer shade. Frost tender.
Aristolochia littoralis |
Calico Flower - Evergreen vine that spreads to 6'+ tall & wide w/heart shape lvs & purple flwrs summer-fall.. Part shade. Regula H20. Hardy to 25 degrees F.
Bauhinia yunnanensis |
Yunnan Bauhinia - Semi-deciduous vine w/ light lavender flowers spring-fall. Spreads to 25'. Sun/Light Shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Beaumontia grandiflora |
Easter Lily Vine - Evergreen vine. Sun/Light Shade. High water needs. White flowers in spring-fall. Grows to 30'. Hardy to 28 degrees F.
Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' |
Cross Vine - Evergreen vine w/up to 10'-20' long stems & tangerine-orange tubular flowers in spring-ealry fall. Full sun part shade. Cold hardy to <15 degrees F.
Bomarea multiflora |
Vine Alstroemeria - Delicate vine with orange flowers. Morning sun/light shade. Regular to frequent irrigation. Hardy +-evergreen to 30-32 degrees F. Root hardy to 20F.
Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst' |
Vigorous evergreen vine with magenta-red bracts in summer-fall. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Bougainvillea 'California Gold' |
Vigorous evergreen vine with golden yellow bracts in spring-fall (winter). Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 25 degrees F.
Bougainvillea 'James Walker' |
Evergreen vine to 30 feet tall with reddish-magenta bracts in summer-fall. Full sun. Low water needs. 20-25 degrees F.
Campsis x tagliabuana 'Mme. Galen' |
Trumpet Creeper - Deciduous vine. Full sun. Moderate water needs. Red-orange flower in summer. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
Cissus gongylodes |
Winged Stemmed Grape Ivy - Unusual vine with red winged square semi-succulent stems. Plant in full sun (coastal) to shade. Regular water. Give support. Hardy to zone 9.
Cissus striata |
Miniature Grape Ivy - Evergreen Chilean vine w/small compund lvs on red stems. Sun/Shade. Moderate water needs. Good groundcover. Hardy to 15 degrees F.
Clematis armandii |
Evergreen Clematis - Dense evergreen vine to 15' w/white flowers in late winter-spring. Sun/light shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Clematis 'Southern Cross' |
Mountain Clematis - Mounding semi-deciduous vine 2-5 feet tall and wide with three parted lvs and frangrant white starlike flowers. Sun//shade. Regular H20. Hardy to 10F.
Clematis x cartmanii Avalanche ['Blaaval'] |
White Evergreen Clematis - Clematis w/evergreen dissected lvs & large single white flowers massed in spring. Full sun/light shade. Regular water. Hardy to 10-15 F.
Clerodendrum thomsoniae |
Bleeding Heart Vine - Tender evergreen shrubby vine w/ dark green foliage and red tubular flwrs w/ white calyces. Part Sun/ shade. Regular water. Protect from frost.