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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Category > Vine

Plant Category: Vine
These are perennial plants that undergo the process of elongation of the stem. Usually they are vigorous plants that climb vertically but lack the ability to sustain their height without support. This definition is contrary to biblical references where "vine" is exclusively used in reference to the grape vine. These plants are also known as Climbers. Also see our Vine Page for more information.
now showing 1 - 20 of 124 << back | next >>
Actinidia deliciosa 'Tomuri' (Male) Kiwi Fruit - Deciduous vine spreading to 30' w/cream flowers in spring. The pollinator for fruit bearing plant. Part Sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10-15 F. 
Actinidia deliciosa 'Vincent' (Female) Kiwi Fruit - Deciduous vine spreading to 30' w/cream flowers in spring. Fruit in fall. Needs male pollinator. Part Sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10-15 F. 
Akebia quinata Chocolate Vine - Deciduous vine. Compound 5 leaflet lvs & fragrant purplish brown blooms in late winter. Sun/Light Shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy well below 0 F. 
Aphanopetalum resinosum 'Gossamer Wings' Shiny-leaved Gum Vine - Low shrub or small vine (w/support) w/glossy lvs. & spring greenish cream flwrs. Shade. Regular h2o. Hardy to 15-20F. Koala Blooms Australian Intro 
Aristolochia gigantea Pelican Flower - Fast growing vine w/ triangular leaves and flowers of purple-maroon with yellow-orange. Plant in sunny spot w/ summer shade. Frost tender. 
Aristolochia littoralis Calico Flower - Evergreen vine that spreads to 6'+ tall & wide w/heart shape lvs & purple flwrs summer-fall.. Part shade. Regula H20. Hardy to 25 degrees F. 
Bauhinia yunnanensis Yunnan Bauhinia - Semi-deciduous vine w/ light lavender flowers spring-fall. Spreads to 25'. Sun/Light Shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Beaumontia grandiflora Easter Lily Vine - Evergreen vine. Sun/Light Shade. High water needs. White flowers in spring-fall. Grows to 30'. Hardy to 28 degrees F. 
Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' Cross Vine - Evergreen vine w/up to 10'-20' long stems & tangerine-orange tubular flowers in spring-ealry fall. Full sun part shade. Cold hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Bomarea multiflora Vine Alstroemeria - Delicate vine with orange flowers. Morning sun/light shade. Regular to frequent irrigation. Hardy +-evergreen to 30-32 degrees F. Root hardy to 20F. 
Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst' Vigorous evergreen vine with magenta-red bracts in summer-fall. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Bougainvillea 'California Gold' Vigorous evergreen vine with golden yellow bracts in spring-fall (winter). Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 25 degrees F. 
Bougainvillea 'James Walker' Evergreen vine to 30 feet tall with reddish-magenta bracts in summer-fall. Full sun. Low water needs. 20-25 degrees F. 
Campsis x tagliabuana 'Mme. Galen' Trumpet Creeper - Deciduous vine. Full sun. Moderate water needs. Red-orange flower in summer. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Cissus gongylodes Winged Stemmed Grape Ivy - Unusual vine with red winged square semi-succulent stems. Plant in full sun (coastal) to shade. Regular water. Give support. Hardy to zone 9. 
Cissus striata Miniature Grape Ivy - Evergreen Chilean vine w/small compund lvs on red stems. Sun/Shade. Moderate water needs. Good groundcover. Hardy to 15 degrees F. 
Clematis armandii Evergreen Clematis - Dense evergreen vine to 15' w/white flowers in late winter-spring. Sun/light shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10 degrees F. 
Clematis 'Southern Cross' Mountain Clematis - Mounding semi-deciduous vine 2-5 feet tall and wide with three parted lvs and frangrant white starlike flowers. Sun//shade. Regular H20. Hardy to 10F. 
Clematis x cartmanii Avalanche ['Blaaval'] White Evergreen Clematis - Clematis w/evergreen dissected lvs & large single white flowers massed in spring. Full sun/light shade. Regular water. Hardy to 10-15 F. 
Clerodendrum thomsoniae Bleeding Heart Vine - Tender evergreen shrubby vine w/ dark green foliage and red tubular flwrs w/ white calyces. Part Sun/ shade. Regular water. Protect from frost. 
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