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Products > Plants - Browse Alphabetically > Echium candicans 'Select Blue'
Echium candicans 'Select Blue' - Pride of Madeira
Image of Echium candicans 'Select Blue'
[2nd Image]
Habit and Cultural Information
Category: Shrub
Family: Boraginaceae (Borages)
Origin: Madeira Islands (Atlantic Ocean)
Evergreen: Yes
Flower Color: Blue
Bloomtime: Summer
Synonyms: [E. fastuosum 'Select Blue']
Height: 4-6 feet
Width: 6-8 feet
Exposure: Full Sun
Seaside: Yes
Summer Dry: Yes
Deer Tolerant: Yes
Irrigation (H2O Info): Low Water Needs
Winter Hardiness: 25-30° F
May be Poisonous  (More Info): Yes
Echium candicans 'Select Blue' (Pride of Madeira) - A rapidly growing evergreen shrub to 4 to 6 feet or more tall by as wide with whitish peeling bark and 4 to 8 inch long, narrow, gray-green leaves that are held at the ends of the branches. Rising above the foliage in spring on into early summer are the large 20-inch-long stalks of small clear blue flowers with reddish stamens.

Plant in full sun in most any type of soil and irrigate occasionally to not at all. Once established plants require no additional irrigation in coastal gardens though inland plantings will appreciate occasional irrigation and protection from cold - reliably cold hardy for short durations down to about 25 degrees F and some claim it can handle it a bit colder. This is a great plant for mild coastal climates and seaside gardens on a slope or in an area with room to spread out and it is attractive to honeybees, hummingbirds and butterflies, but generally unpalatable to deer and other browsers. Pride of Madeira often reseeds itself in the garden and, as this plant is relatively short lived (generally 4-6 years but some living up to 10 years), allow seedlings to replace older woodier plants. Prune flower inflorescences off after flowering to tidy up the plant and cut back hard in late fall to reduce size and encourage new growth from lower branches - leaves have slightly irritating hairs so remember to wear gloves when handling. Note also that very little will grow under an established Echium candicans, so it is best not to put precious plants near a young one that will no doubt grow larger and suppress the other plant.

As the common name Pride of Madeira implies, this comes from and is endemic to the island of Madeira, where it grows on rocky cliffs and terraces between 2,500 and 4,600 feet in the Central Mountain Massif. It is considered rare in nature and possibly threatened because of wildfire potential in its native range but it is in no danger of extinction out of its native habitat as it is commonly found in California landscapes and has naturalized in New Zealand and Australia. Though not officially considered invasive in California it has reportedly escaped cultivation near the San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve and in north San Diego County and consideration of its weed potential needs to be measured when planting near the urban wild land interface in this area.

The genus name is from an ancient Greek word for the plant. It is derived from 'echion' with the root word 'echis' meaning "viper" but the reason for this has several interpretations. Included among these are the shape of the seed resembling that of a viper's head and from the age-old belief that Echium vulgare, a plant called Viper's Bugloss, was a remedy for the adder's bite. This plant was long called Echium fastuosum but more recently Echium candicans has been determined to be the correct name - unfortunate as the name 'candicans' means "white" while 'fastuosum' means "proud" or "vain". This species received the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit in 2002.

Echium candicans 'Select Blue' is a San Marcos Growers introduction in 1996 that was a selection from an exceptionally good blue seedling. Unlike seed grown crops that have variable-colored flowers, we know that this plant will bloom "true blue". We grew this plant until 2022 and only stopped because of the plants developed a lot of cresting (fasciation) in the stems and so we replaced it with a newer selection we called Echium candicans 'Goleta Beach'

The information about Echium candicans 'Select Blue' displayed on this web page is based on our research conducted in the nursery's horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We also include observations made about it as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We will also incorporate comments we receive from others and welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they can share cultural information that would aid others in growing this plant.