Aloe Topaz ['LEO 4120'] - A vigorous clump forming smaller aloe with foliage to 18 inches tall with deeply channeled narrow leaves edged with soft light-colored teeth that lay over gracefully. From mid-summer through fall and often lingering into winter appear the very attractive long lasting unbranched spikes flowers that rise well above the foliage with darker orange buds opening to display salmon pink flowers from the bottom of the spike upwards for a subtle two-toned appearance.
Plant in full sun to part-shade in a well-drained soil and water regularly to occasionally in summer months. Has proven hardy for us to 31° F and likely is a bit hardier, so we list it at 25-30° F. This is a great aloe as it flowers over a long period and it can be used in smaller spaces where its softer leaves are easy to work around. Use as a small specimen plant, massing as a groundcover or in a large pot.
Aloe Topaz comes from the breeding program of Leo Thamm of Sunbird Aloes in Johannesburg, South Africa. This program was first introduced into the US in 2012 and also included the other very nice aloe cultivars Aloe 'Erik the Red', Aloe 'Fairy Pink', Moonglow ['LEO 3151A'] and Scarlet Rockets ['LEO 3711']. This plant is the result of complex hybridization, crossing a Aloe hybrid called 'LEO 1970' with Aloe inyangensis, a grass aloe from Zimbabwe. The grass aloe parentage gives this cultivar the narrow fine textured foliage and also allows this plant to tolerate more regular irrigation but also means that it is not as tolerant of dry conditions, at least until it is fully established. We first trialed this plant in 2011 and it has steadily grown on us for its bright and cheery look over many months.
This information about Aloe Topaz ['LEO 4120'] displayed is based on research conducted in our horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We also will relate observations made about it as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We will also incorporate comments that we receive from others and we welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they can share any cultural information that would aid others in growing it.