Hakea petiolaris (Sea Urchin Hakea) - A fast growing upright evergreen shrub or small tree to 10 to 18 feet tall with reddish stems holding Eucalyptus-like 2 to 4 inch long by 1 to 2 inch wide broadly obovate leathery pale gray-green leaves. In fall through early spring appear the 2 inch wide spherical clusters of many (120 to 200) tiny flowers that are at first a greenish-white in bud but turn pink and cream as they open. These flowers are held on the stem branches or in their forks with their styles straightening and extending outward as they mature with the cluster appearing similar to a small sea urchin, which gives rise to this plants common name. The flowers are followed by interesting tight clusters of small irregularly shaped woody fruit.
Plant in full sun in a well drained soil and irrigate occasionally to infrequently. Once established this plant is quite drought tolerant and it tolerates coastal conditions and most any soil type, so long as it drains well. Cold hardy without damage to around 25° F and able to survive with tip damage temperatures down to around 18° F. Prune young plants to make fuller. A tough and showy plant for use as a specimen, as a screening or windbreak planting, an informal hedge, or trimmed up as a small tree. Its flowers are attractive to nectar feeding birds and are also nice in floral arrangements.
Hakea petiolaris comes from the mediterranean climate region of southwest Western Australia. The name for the genus honors Baron Christian Ludwig von Hake, a 18th and 19th century German patron of botany. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin word 'petiolus' meaning a "small slender stalk", in reference to the long conspicuous leaf petiole. We thank Jo O'Connell at Australian Native Plant Nursery for supplying us with this attractive Australian plant.
The information about Hakea petiolaris displayed on this web page is based on our research conducted in the nursery's horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We also include observations made about it as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We will also incorporate comments we receive from others and welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they can share cultural information that would aid others in growing this plant. |