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Products > Cyperus albostriatus
Cyperus albostriatus - Broadleaf Umbrella Plant
Image of Cyperus albostriatus
[2nd Image]
Habit and Cultural Information
Category: Grass-like
Family: Cyperaceae (Sedges)
Origin: South Africa (Africa)
Evergreen: Yes
Flower Color: Green
Bloomtime: Summer
Synonyms: [C. 'Flabelliformis']
Height: 1-2 feet
Width: Spreading
Exposure: Light Shade/Part Sun
Irrigation (H2O Info): Keep Wet
Winter Hardiness: 20-25° F
Cyperus albostriatus (Broadleaf Umbrella Plant) - A hardy evergreen rhizomatous sedge with tufts of basal leaves from which arise 1 1/2 foot stems topped with leaf-like bracts that are nearly 1 inch wide by 4 inches long; they number 5 to 10 per stem, are radiate outwards in a spiral fashion and arch slightly, giving a full dense appearance that resembles an umbrella. From the center of the bract emerge the short sprays of delicate green flowers nearly year round. Grow in full sun to light shade and give regular irrigation, though it is surprising able to grow in fairly dry shady locations. It is hardy to about 20-25 degrees F and useful in USDA Zones 8B through 11. It is noted to be somewhat salt tolerant so possibly could be used in shady protected areas near the beach or with reclaimed water. Does spread but can controlled fairly well by trimming to the ground mechanically, which also cleans out older weathered bracts and is not deeply rooted so can be removed when it grows into areas not wanted. This plant makes a very nice dense understory or pond marginal plant and can be used as a container plant, outdoors or as indoor plant. Particularly nice along a walkway as a groundcover under palms and other tall subtropical plants. This plant comes from woodlands and the forest floors below 1000 ft elevation in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The name for the genus comes from the historical Greek name for Sweet Galingale, Cyperus longus and the specific epithet comes from the Latin words 'albo'meaning white and 'striata' meaning striped, likely in reference to the occasional appearane of a white varigation in the bracts of some forms of the species, which does not show up in the plants we grow. We previously grew this plant from 1987 until 2007 but have long admired it growing in our own garden, and put it back into production at the insistence of the meadow master John Greenlee. 

The information about Cyperus albostriatus displayed on this web page is based on our research conducted in the nursery's horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We also include observations made about it as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We will also incorporate comments we receive from others and welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they can share cultural information that would aid others in growing this plant.