Puya sp. 'Machu Picchu Gray' |
Bromeliad with spiny margined gray leaves. Collected from Machu Picchu.
Puya sp. 'Machu Picchu Green' |
Bromeliad with spiny margined green leaves. Collected from Machu Picchu.
Pyrostegia venusta |
Flame Vine - Evergreen vine spreading to 20+' w/orange flowers fall-winter. Full sun/Part shade. Regular to occasional water. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
Quesnelia arvensis |
Evergreen terrestial Bromeliad. Full sun / shade. Medium to low water needs. Blue flowers w/ showy pink bracts. 1-2'x1-2'. 20-25 degrees F.
Quillaja saponaria |
Soapbark Tree - Neat evergreen upright tree 30-45' tall. w/pale yellow to cream flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 18 degrees F.
Regnellidium diphyllum (Aquatic) |
Two-Leaf Water Clover - Aquatic. Glossy foliage rises 6" above surface & spreading in a partially shaded pond, easily kept in check. Place container 4-6" deep. Hardy to 30F.
Retrophyllum rospigliosii |
Romerón Pine - Redwood-like conifer from the Andean Cloud Forests. Was originally described as a Podocarpus. Hardiness and cultural information forthcoming.
Rhodophiala bifida |
Oxblood Lily - Summer dormant bulb w/1' tall grass-like lvs that grow fall to spring w/ 15" red flowers in fall. Sun/shade. Regular water. Hardy to<0 F.
Salvia confertiflora |
Red Velvet Sage - Perennial 5' tall/wide w/orange red flower clusters covered w/brownish hairs in Fall. Full sun. good Drainage. Occasional deep H2O. Hardy to 15F.
Salvia 'Ecuador' |
Ecuadorian Sage - Large, herbaceous perennial to 6' tall by as wide. Magenta flwrs spring- fall. Full sun/light shade. Occasional to regular water. Hardiness unknown.
Salvia guaranitica 'Argentina Skies' |
Argentina Blue Sage - Large, herbaceous perennial to 5' tall by as wide. Light blue flwrs spring- fall. Full sun/light shade. Occasional to regular water. Hardy to 20 F.
Salvia guaranitica 'Black & Blue' |
Brazilian Blue Sage - Herbaceous perennial/subshrub to 3-5' tall & 2' wide w/dark blue flwrs late spring-fall. Full sun/loght shade. Occasional/regular H2O. Hardy to 20F.
Salvia guaranitica 'Rhythm & Blues' PP 29,585 |
Bodacious® Rhythm & Blues Sage - Herbaceous perennial/subshrub 3-4' tall & wide w/dark blue flwrs spring-fall. Full sun/loght shade. Occasional to regular H2O. Hardy to 20F. PP 29,585
Salvia oxyphora |
Fuzzy Bolivian Sage - Sub-shrub to 4' tall by 3' wide with lanceolate lvs & fuzzy magenta flwers. Part sun in rich soil with regular H2O. Hardy to 15-20F
Salvia sagittata |
Arrow Leaf Sage - Shrub to 3-5 ft tall with thick light green arrow-like leaves and brilliant blue flowers in summer/fall. Regular water. Cold hardy to 25 degrees F.
Salvia uliginosa |
Blue Spike Sage - Clump forming perennial to 4-6' tall & spreading as wide w/sky blue flwrs in late spring/fall. Full sun. Regular to little H2O. Hardy to 15 F.
Schinus molle |
California Pepper Tree - Evergreen tree to 25-40' tall & wide with white flowers in summer and red berries in fall-winter. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy 10-15 degrees F.
Senecio candidans Angel Wings ['Senaw'] PP28,830 |
Angel Wings Sea Cabbage - Tender evergreen perennial 1-2' tall & wide w/large gray lvs & summer yellow flwrs. Fullsun/shade. Regular/occasional H2O. Hardy to 20F
Senecio leucostachys |
White Groundsel - Evergreen subshrub 3-4' tall by 5-8' wide w/ white-gray fine lvs and summer cream flrs. Full/ part sun. Occasional to little H2O. Hardy to 15-20 F.
Senna spectabilis |
Crown of Gold Tree - Small-medium sized tree 20-30' tall/wide w/fine texture & yellow flwrs late summer-fall. Full sun. Well drained soil. Average H20. Hardy to 26F.