Senna splendida 'Ray's Splendor' |
Golden Wonder Senna - Evergreen Small tree. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flowers in winter. 10-15'x8-12'. 25-30 degrees F. [Senna splendida 'Ray's Splendor']
Sinningia 'Butter and Cream' |
Hardy Yellow & White Gloxinia - Tuberous perennial w\mounds of gray-green lvs to 2' tall with 2-3' stalks of white & yellow flws spring-summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Root hardy to 5F
Sinningia cardinalis |
Cardinal Flower - Deciduous tuberous based perennial to 1-2 ' tall w/red flowers spring and summer. Part sun/ shade. Regular water when not dormant. Hardy to 32F.
Sinningia 'Invasion Force' |
Hardy Pink Gloxinia - Tuberous perennial w\mounds of gray-green leaves to 1' tall with 1-2' stalks of pink flws spring-summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Root hardy to 5F.
Sinningia leucotricha |
Brazilian Edelweiss - Deciduous tuberous perennial to 1-2 ' tall wsilver lvs & salmon flwrs spring and summer.Coastal sun/ shade. Regular water when in leaf. Hardy to 10F.
Sinningia 'Lovely' |
Dark Pink Hardy Gloxinia - Tuberous perennial w\mounds of gray-green lvs to 2' tall with 24 to 30" stalks of dark pink flws spring-summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Root hardy to 5F
Sinningia tubiflora |
Hardy White Gloxinia - Tuberous perennial w\mounds of silver-gray leaves to 1' tall with 1-2' stalks of white flws spring-summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Root hardy to 0F.
Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' |
Chilean Potato Bush - Large evergreen vining shrub to 20+' with support w/ lavender blue flwrs spring to fall. Full/part sun. Occasional H20. Hardy to 5F.
Solanum laxum |
Potato Vine - Evergreen vine that spreads to 30' w/dark green lvs & white flowers year-round. Sun/Part Shade. Regular water. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Stenomesson variegatum |
Large bulb from Peru w/ long orange & green tubular flwrs from summer to fall. Plant in full sun/light shade. Water in summer. Hardy to at least 20 F.
Stigmaphyllon littorale |
Orchid Vine - Fast growing evergreen vine covered intermittently with clusters of bright, yellow flowers in summer. Sun/Part shade and regular watering. 10-15 F
Streptosolen jamesonii |
Marmalade Bush - Evergreen vining shrub to 4-6' tall & wide. Yellow aging to dark orange flowers spring-fall. Sun/Part shade. Regular watering.30-32 degrees F.
Suessenguthia multisetosa |
Bolivian Violet - Large evergreen shrub to 10' tall w/dark green lvs & large spring-summer violet pink flwrs. Full coastal sun/bright shade. Regular H20. Hardy to 27F.
Syagrus romanzoffiana |
Queen Palm - Palm with feathery fronds to 50' tall. . Full sun. Water regularly. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
Tecoma x smithii |
Orange Bells - Evergreen shrub to 8-15' tall by a bit wider w/orange flwrs spring-fall. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
Tecoma x smithii 'Golden Trumpets' |
Evergreen shrub to 8-12' tall/wide w/ yellow-orange flowers in summer-fall. Full sun. Low water needs. 25-30 degrees F. SMG 2002 introduction.
Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum |
Tree philodendron - Shrub to 10' w/huge, shiny lobed lvs. Cool sun to shade in a wind sheltered spot woccasional to abundant H2O. Hardy to 25F. [P.bipinnatifidum]
Thevetia peruviana |
Yellow Oleander - Evergreen shrub. Full Sun. Moderate water needs. Yellow flowers in summer-fall. 10-20' tall. 25-30 degrees F.
Tibouchina heteromalla |
Silver leafed Princess Flower - Evergreen shrub to 6-8' tall by 4-6' wide w/velvety 4-6 in lvs & violet flwrs bloom mid-summer on Coastal full/part sun. Regular water. Hardy to 30 F
Tibouchina urvilleana |
Princess Flower - Semi-evergreen shrub to 6-8'+ tall and wide w/royal purple flowers in spring-fall. Light shade. Water regularly. Hardy to 27 degrees F.