Tillandsia secunda |
Tillandsia - Terrestrial bromeliad with silvery-green leaves 1-2 ft wide by 1 ft. tall. Tall wands of purple flowers followed by offsets. Bright light, reg. water.
Tipuana tipu |
Tipu Tree - Deciduous tree. 20-30' tall and as wide with yellow flowers in late spring- summer. Full sun. Regular to occasional irrigation. 25-30 degrees F.
Tradescantia fluminensis 'Aurea' |
Golden Inch Plant - Clamberi evergreen perennial to 6-12" tall w/yellow green lvs & spring summer small white flwrs. Coastal Sun, shade, Regular H2O. Hardy to 25F
Tradescantia 'Greenlee' |
Pale Puma Spiderwort - Compact perennial 10" tall x 2' wide w/purple green lvs & light violet flwrs in late summer. Full sun/ bright shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 20-25 F.
Tradescantia spathacea |
Boat lily, Moses-in-the-cradle - Clump-forming species bears rosettes of green leaves with purple undersides. 18 in. tall. Full sun or part shade. Moist to dry soil. Frost tender.
Tradescantia spathacea 'Tricolor' |
Variegated Moses-in-the-cradle - Clump-forming species bears rosettes of pink, white, green lvs w/purple undersides. 18" tall. Bright shade. Moist to dry soil. Frost tender.
Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Blushing Bride' |
Blushing Bride Spiderwort - Trailing perennial w/pink & white variegated lvs. Cut back to maintain color. Good in containers. Bright shade. Evergreen to 26F Hardy to 17F or less.
Trithrinax acanthocoma |
Spiny Fiber Palm - Single trunk fan palm 12' tall w/green lvs & thatching & spines on truck. White summer flwrs & white fruit. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 23F
Trithrinax campestris |
Blue Needle Palm - Low branching palm with stems covered in spines with stiff gray leaves. Full sun. Little irrigation regquired. Hardy to below 15F.
Verbena bonariensis |
Purple Top - Clump forming perennial to 4-6' tall with purple flowers in spring-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Verbena bonariensis 'Little One' PP18,124 |
Dwarf Purple Top - Clump forming perennial to 24" tall w/purple flwrs in spring-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F. Propagation Prohibited. PP18,124
Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop' |
Dwarf Purple Top - Clump forming perennial to 24" tall w/purple flwrs in spring-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Verbena rigida |
Sand Paper Verbena - Perennial 1-2' tall & spreading w/dark green lvs and bright purple scented flwrs spring to fall. Sun/ light shade. Little H20. Hardy to 0F.
Vestia foetida |
Chilean Box Thorn - Evergreen shrub 4-6' tall w/dark green lvs & yellow pendulous flwrs spring-summer. Full sun. Well drained soil. Regular-Occasional H2O. Hardy to 15F.
Vriecantarea 'Julietta' PP26,259 |
Large bromeliade 3' tall by 4' wde w/broad purple tinged leaves. Bright shade and regular irrigation. Protect from cold.
Zephyranthes candida |
Fairy Lily - Evergreen bulb w/clumps of narrow dark green leaves to 1' high & white flowers late summer-fall. Sun/Part shade. Regular watering. Hardy to 15-20 F.