Agave attenuata 'Huntington Blue' |
Blue Fox Tail Agave - Succulent rosettes of soft gray green lvs . Sun/Shade. Low H2O needs. Hardy to 28F. A greener colored selection of A. attenuata 'Nova'.
Agave attenuata 'Kara's Stripes' PP 19,444 |
Variegated Fox Tail Agave - Rosettes of yellow lvs w/green stripes. Cool sun/ light shade in well drained soil. Regular/little h2o. Hardy to 28F. Propagation strictly prohibited.
Agave attenuata 'Nova' |
Blue Fox Tail Agave - Succulent rosettes of broad soft gray leaves. Similar to A. attenuata but wider & bluer. Sun/Shade. Drought tolerant. 3-4' x 3-4'. Hardy to 28F.
Agave attenuata' Raea's Gold' |
Golden Fox Tail Agave - Slow growing rosettes of golden-yellow lvs. Cool sun/ light shade in well drained soil. Regular/little h2o. Hardy to 28F. (A. 'Kara's Stripes sport)
Agave attenuata Ray of Light 'AGAVWS’ PP21,854 |
Ray of Light Fox Tail Agave - Succulent rosettes of soft pale green white margined lvs 4-5'+ tall/wide. Arching flwr stalks. Full Sun(coastal)/Shade. Drought tolerant.Hardy to 28F.
Agave attenuata 'Variegata' |
Variegated Fox Tail Agave - Succulent rosettes of soft pale green lvs with yellow stripes massing to 3-4' tall/wide. Full Sun(coastal)/Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28F.
Agave 'Baccarat' |
Crystal Bowl Agave - Medium to large rosette forming succulent to 4' tall & wide w/gray-green wide leaves. Plant in full sun/ light shade. Little irrigation. Hardy to 0 F.
Agave 'Blue Bola Select' |
Medium sized rosette forming succulent to 2-3' tall w/pale gray lvs. Plant in full sun/light shade. Little irrigation required. Hardy to at least 25F.
Agave 'Blue Flame' |
Clumping succulent w/blue-green rosettes 2 1/2' tall by 3' wide spreading to 6+' wide. Full sun. Little/ regular iH20 Hardy to 25 F. (ISI 2005-6).
Agave 'Blue Glow' |
Clumping succulent to 2' by 3' wide w/rosettes of red margined blue-green lvs. Plant in full sun. Little/ regular irrigation Hardy to at least 20 F.
Agave bovicornuta |
Cow Horn Agave - Solitary rosette forming plant to 3' tall w/attractive mid-green lvs w/divergent brown margin spines Full sun/ light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25°F
Agave bovicornuta 'Holstein' |
Variegated Cow Horn Agave - Solitary rosettes 3' tall w/attractive green lvs w/broad cream central stripe & brown margin spines. Full sun/ light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25°F
Agave bracteosa |
Candelabrum Agave - Rosettes to 1' tall x 18" wide w/unarmed, curving, pale green lvs white flowers on short spike. Slow growth. Drought tolerant. Full sun. Hardy to 10 F
Agave bracteosa 'Calamar' |
Solitary Candelabrum Agave - Solitary rosettes 1' tall x 18" wide w/unarmed curved pale green lvs & white flwrs on short spike. Slow growth. Drought tolerant. Full sun. To 10 F.
Agave bracteosa 'Monterrey Frost' |
Frosted Candelabrum Agave - Rosettes to 1' tall x 18" wide w/unarmed, curving, pale green lvs edged in white. Slow growth. Drought tolerant. Full sun. Hardy to 20 F
Agave 'Brian's Guadacolorata' |
Rosette forming succulent to 2-3' tall and wide w/gray strongly toothed upright lvs w/white markings. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 F.
Agave 'Carl's Dwarf' |
Carl's Dwarf Agave - Small Agave to 1' tall & wide w/pink tinged gray-green lvs that have dark teeth on margin. Full sun/light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to at least 25F.
Agave celsii |
Succulent forming dense stands of 2' tall & wide rosettes of 6" wide green leaves. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Agave celsii 'Nova' |
Rosette forming succulent to 2' tall x 3' wide w/broad gray leaves. Full sun. Little H2O required. Hardy to at least 22 F. Rancho Soleday Nsy Intro.
Agave celsii var. albicans |
Succulent forming dense stands of 2' tall & wide rosettes of 6" wide gray leaves. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.