Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonso-Karr' |
Alphonse Karr Bamboo - Clumping bamboo with green striped yellow culms to 25' tall by 1 1/2" wide. Sun/Light Shade. Give occasional irrigation. Hardy to 12 degrees F.
Bambusa multiplex 'Golden Goddess' |
Golden Goddess Bamboo - Clumping Bamboo with thin green culms to 6'-10' tall by 1/2” wide. Sun/Light Shade. Give occasional irrigation. Hardy to 12 degrees F.
Bambusa multiplex 'Riviereorum' |
Chinese Goddess Bamboo - A fine textured small clumping bamboo to 6' tall with ¼” culms. Sun/Light Shade. Medium water needs. Hardy to 12 degrees F. Great container bamboo!
Bambusa oldhamii |
Giant Timber Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 55' tall w/4" wide straight vertical culms. Full sun. Low water needs but best if given an occasional irrigation. 15 degrees F.
Bambusa textilis |
Weaver's Bamboo - Tight clumping bamboo to 40' tall w/ 2" wide pale green culms w/ light blue cast - arches gracefully. Full sun. Moderate water needs. To 10-15 F.
Bambusa ventricosa |
Buddha's Belly Bamboo - A tight clumping and arching bamboo to 12-15' tall w/ 1" wide green culms that bulge at nodes. Full/part sun. Moderate water needs. To 20-25 F.
Bauhinia x blakeana |
Hong Kong Orchid Tree - Semi-deciduous tree to 20' tall with rose-purple flowers in fall-spring. Plant in full sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Bauhinia yunnanensis |
Yunnan Bauhinia - Semi-deciduous vine w/ light lavender flowers spring-fall. Spreads to 25'. Sun/Light Shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Bergenia ciliata |
Frilly Bergenia - Perennial w/ large round undulating hairy leaves. Pale pink flwrs flushed with rose in spring-summer. Full sun/ light shade. Hardy to <0 F.
Bletilla striata |
Chinese Ground Orchid - Easily grown small deciduous orchid to 18" tall w/violet pink flwrs & soft, pleated leaves. Part-shade to full sun along coast. Hardy to 15-20 F.
Borinda fungosa |
Chocolate Bamboo - Medium small sized clumping bamboo w/dark chocolate brown culms & clusters of narrow leaves. Full coastal sun/ light shade. Regular H2O. Hardy to 15F.
Buxus microphylla var japonica 'Green Beauty' |
Japanese Boxwood - Evergreen shrub. Full sun to light shade. Low water needs. 4-6' x 4-6'. Hardy to 0-10 F. Apple green leaves in summer turn bronzy in winter.
Carex 'Ice Dance' |
Ice Dance Sedge - Slowly spreading sedge to 12-15" tall with white margined green leaves. Full sun (coastal) to shade. Water regularly. Hardy <0 F.
Carex oshimensis Everest ['CarFit01'] PP20,955 |
White Variegated Japanese Sedge - Clumping, evergreen sedge to 1' tall & wide w/white margined llvs. Cool sun to shade. Well drained moist soil. Hardy to 0 F. Propagation Prohibited.
Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' |
Variegated Japanese Sedge - Clumping, evergreen sedge, w/green leave variegated down the middle w/cream white. Likes shady, moist areas. 1-2 ft tall.Hardy to 0-20 degrees F.
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides |
Dwarf Plumbago - Deciduous groundcover to 8-12" tall by 5' wide with deep blue flowers Summer-Fall. Sun/Part shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy to <0 degrees F.
Chimonobambusa quadrangularis |
Square Bamboo - Running bamboo to 15-20' tall with 1" wide square green culms. Coastal sun/ light shade. Regular to occasional irrigation. Hardy to 15 F.
Chionanthus retusus |
Chinese Fringe Tree - Deciduous tree to 15-20 tall by 15' wide with creamy-white flower in spring-summer. Full sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
Clematis armandii |
Evergreen Clematis - Dense evergreen vine to 15' w/white flowers in late winter-spring. Sun/light shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Cleyera japonica |
Sakaki - Evergreen shrub 8-12' tall by 6-10' wide w/fragrant white flwrs in summer. Cool full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Regular H2O. Hardy to 10 F