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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Region > Asia - China and Japan

Region: Asia - China and Japan
The islands of Japan and mainland central Asia from Mongolia south to the South China Sea and the Vietnam and Laos border and bound on the west by the Indian sub-Continent.
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Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonso-Karr' Alphonse Karr Bamboo - Clumping bamboo with green striped yellow culms to 25' tall by 1 1/2" wide. Sun/Light Shade. Give occasional irrigation. Hardy to 12 degrees F. 
Bambusa multiplex 'Golden Goddess' Golden Goddess Bamboo - Clumping Bamboo with thin green culms to 6'-10' tall by 1/2” wide. Sun/Light Shade. Give occasional irrigation. Hardy to 12 degrees F. 
Bambusa multiplex 'Riviereorum' Chinese Goddess Bamboo - A fine textured small clumping bamboo to 6' tall with ¼” culms. Sun/Light Shade. Medium water needs. Hardy to 12 degrees F. Great container bamboo! 
Bambusa oldhamii Giant Timber Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 55' tall w/4" wide straight vertical culms. Full sun. Low water needs but best if given an occasional irrigation. 15 degrees F. 
Bambusa textilis Weaver's Bamboo - Tight clumping bamboo to 40' tall w/ 2" wide pale green culms w/ light blue cast - arches gracefully. Full sun. Moderate water needs. To 10-15 F. 
Bambusa ventricosa Buddha's Belly Bamboo - A tight clumping and arching bamboo to 12-15' tall w/ 1" wide green culms that bulge at nodes. Full/part sun. Moderate water needs. To 20-25 F. 
Bauhinia x blakeana Hong Kong Orchid Tree - Semi-deciduous tree to 20' tall with rose-purple flowers in fall-spring. Plant in full sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Bauhinia yunnanensis Yunnan Bauhinia - Semi-deciduous vine w/ light lavender flowers spring-fall. Spreads to 25'. Sun/Light Shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Bergenia ciliata Frilly Bergenia - Perennial w/ large round undulating hairy leaves. Pale pink flwrs flushed with rose in spring-summer. Full sun/ light shade. Hardy to <0 F. 
Bletilla striata Chinese Ground Orchid - Easily grown small deciduous orchid to 18" tall w/violet pink flwrs & soft, pleated leaves. Part-shade to full sun along coast. Hardy to 15-20 F. 
Borinda fungosa Chocolate Bamboo - Medium small sized clumping bamboo w/dark chocolate brown culms & clusters of narrow leaves. Full coastal sun/ light shade. Regular H2O. Hardy to 15F. 
Buxus microphylla var japonica 'Green Beauty' Japanese Boxwood - Evergreen shrub. Full sun to light shade. Low water needs. 4-6' x 4-6'. Hardy to 0-10 F. Apple green leaves in summer turn bronzy in winter. 
Carex 'Ice Dance' Ice Dance Sedge - Slowly spreading sedge to 12-15" tall with white margined green leaves. Full sun (coastal) to shade. Water regularly. Hardy <0 F. 
Carex oshimensis Everest ['CarFit01'] PP20,955 White Variegated Japanese Sedge - Clumping, evergreen sedge to 1' tall & wide w/white margined llvs. Cool sun to shade. Well drained moist soil. Hardy to 0 F. Propagation Prohibited. 
Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' Variegated Japanese Sedge - Clumping, evergreen sedge, w/green leave variegated down the middle w/cream white. Likes shady, moist areas. 1-2 ft tall.Hardy to 0-20 degrees F. 
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Dwarf Plumbago - Deciduous groundcover to 8-12" tall by 5' wide with deep blue flowers Summer-Fall. Sun/Part shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy to <0 degrees F. 
Chimonobambusa quadrangularis Square Bamboo - Running bamboo to 15-20' tall with 1" wide square green culms. Coastal sun/ light shade. Regular to occasional irrigation. Hardy to 15 F. 
Chionanthus retusus Chinese Fringe Tree - Deciduous tree to 15-20 tall by 15' wide with creamy-white flower in spring-summer. Full sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Clematis armandii Evergreen Clematis - Dense evergreen vine to 15' w/white flowers in late winter-spring. Sun/light shade. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 10 degrees F. 
Cleyera japonica Sakaki - Evergreen shrub 8-12' tall by 6-10' wide w/fragrant white flwrs in summer. Cool full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Regular H2O. Hardy to 10 F 
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