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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Region > Tropical Asia

Region: Tropical Asia
South East Asia from Myanmar (Burma) east through Thailand, Laos and Vietnam and the island chains of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
now showing 21 - 33 of 33 << back | next >>
Phoenix roebelenii (Multiple planted) Pygmy Date Palm - Fine featured dwarf feather palm to 6-10' tall. Part shade /full sun (coastal). Regular to occasional water. Hardy to about 20 degrees F. 
Pogonatherum paniceum Baby Bamboo - Compact tufting grass to 12-16" tall with narrow stems bearing bright green leaves. Plant in full/ part sun. Irrigate regularly. Hardy to 20-25F 
Rosa laevigata Cherokee Rose - Climbing Shrub. Sun. Moderate water. White flowers in spring. 15' tall. Hardy and evergreen to 20-25 degrees F. 
Syzygium jambos Rose Apple - Tropical spreading tree to 20' x 20' with white flowers and yellow fruit (frost free areas). Full sun/light shade. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 25F 
Tetrapanax papyrifer Rice Paper Plant - Evergreen shrub to 10-15' tall.w/large felty leaves & creamy-white flowers in winter. Sun/Shade. Medium water needs. Hardy to at 18 degrees F. 
Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Steroidal Giant' Giant Rice Paper Plant - Evergreen shrub to 18' tall w/ large felty leaves & late fall creamy-white flwrs. Sun/Shade. Medium water needs. Evergreen to 18 F - root hardy to 0F. 
Tetrastigma voinierianum Chestnut Vine, Lizard Plant - Vigorous evergreen vine with large grape-like foliage. Light shade. Low to moderate water needs. 25-30 degrees F. 
Thysanolaena latifolia Tiger Grass - Grass with tropical foliage to 6-10' tall with Greenish brown flower in late summer. Sun/Light shade. Medium water needs. Hardy to 28 degrees F. 
Trevesia palmata Snowflake Aralia - Evergreen tree to 15-20' with large lobed leaves. Plant in cool full sun to light shade. Medium water needs. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F. 
Trevesia palmata 'Micholitzii' Micholitz Snowflake Aralia - Evergreen tree/shrub 15-20' w/large dissected dark green leaves that first emerge gray & downy. Light shade. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 25-30 F. 
Tricyrtis 'Empress' Empress Toad Lily - New Tricyrtis formosana hybrid w/very large, dark spotted flowers late summer. Shade/part shade. Prefers moist, humus-rich soil. Cold hardy below 0. 
Tulipa clusiana Lady Tulip - Early spring white flowering bulb to 6-12" tall w/gray-green lvs & white & red flowers. Full sun. Water in spring. Hardy <0F. 
Vallisneria gigantea (Aquatic) Giant Eel Grass - Aquatic plant. Full-part sun. 4'-6' long leaves. Plant under water 1' to 6' deep. Great oxygenator and fish habitat! 
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