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Natives at San Marcos Growers
Succulents at San Marcos Growers
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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Region > North America

Region: North America
From Northern Canada south through the Continental United States of America and Mexico. Does not include Central America or the Caribbean.
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Agave celsii var. albicans 'San Ysidro Lane' Succulent forming dense stands of 2' tall & wide rosettes of 3" wide gray leaves. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Agave celsii var. albicans 'UCB' Succulent forming dense stands of 2' tall & wide rosettes of 6" wide gray leaves. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Agave chiapensis Clumping rosette forming plant to 2' tall x 3' wide w/green leaves and purple tinged green flowers. Full sun/ light shade. Medium H2O. Hardy to 28°F 
Agave 'Chisum' Ron Chisum's Agave - Medium size agave deeply channeled and mammilate lvs. Plant in full sun in a well drained soil. Hardy to around 25F. 
Agave chrysoglossa Medium size solitary rosette forming succulent to 2' tall x 3' wide w/pale rigid sword-like leaves. Full sun. Low H2O needs. Hardy to 28F. 
Agave 'Chunky Monkey' Medium-large rosette succulent to 4' tall by 5' wide with broad gray leaves. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 15 F. 
Agave colorata Mescal Ceniza - Rosette forming succulent to 2-3' tall and wide w bluish-gray strongly toothed leaves w/white markings. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 18 F. 
Agave 'Cornelius' Quasimoto Agave - Dwarf Century Plant to 18" tall with variegated green & yellow leaves Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15 F(AKA A a.'Marginata Aurea Monstrosa') 
Agave 'Cream Spike' Cream Spike Agave - Small rosette forming plant 6" wide x 4" tall w/white margined olive green lvs w/dark spines. Full sun/ light shade. Great pot plant. Hardy to 15-20F. 
Agave cremnophila Sea Urchin Agave - Clustering plant to 2-3' tall with narrow sharp green leaves. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Little/no H2O. Hardy to 0 F. 
Agave cupreata Dwarf Cowhorn - Solitary rosette plant to 2' x 3' w/attractive pale green lvs w/copper brown margin spines Full sun/ light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 26°F 
Agave cupreata 'Gray Form' Dwarf Gray Cowhorn - Solitary rosette plant to 2' x 3' w/attractive gray-green lvs w/copper brown margin spines Full sun/ light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 26°F 
Agave dasylirioides Dasylirion Agave - Small solitary rosette agave w/soft pale gray-green finely toothed lvs. Full sun/ light shade. Well drained soil. Regular H20 or less. Hardy to 28 F. 
Agave deserti Desert Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 2' tall and wide with gray spiny leaves. Full sun. Good drainage. Little/no irrigation required. Hardy to 5 F 
Agave desmetiana Smooth Agave - Succulent to 3' tall x 4' wide with spineless pale green. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy 20-25 degrees F. 
Agave desmetiana 'Galactic Traveller' Galactic Traveller Smooth Agave - Succulent to 3' tall x 4' wide with spineless pale gray-green lvs w/bright yellow margins. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy 20-25 degrees F. 
Agave desmetiana 'Joe Hoak' Succulent rosettes to 2' by 3' wide w/striated gray-green & cream lvs. Full sun/light shade. Water occasionally to regularly. Hardy to at least 28 F. 
Agave desmetiana 'Variegata' Variegated Smooth Agave - Succulent to 3' tall x 4' wide with spineless yellow variegated leaves. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy 20-25 degrees F. 
Agave difformis Pale gray green rosette forming succulent to 18" tall and wide - spreading by rhizomes. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20 F. 
Agave ellemeetiana 'Satina' Ellemeet's Agave - Succulent stemless rosettes 2' tall by3' wide with short soft gray-green lvs. Full Sun(coastal)/Shade. Occasional irrigation. Hardy to around 30F. 
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