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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Region > Mediterranean Climate

Region: Mediterranean Climate
Areas with this climate occupy 3% of the land area of the world and include the Mediterranean Basin, California, Central Chile, Cape Region of South Africa, Southwestern and Southern Australia. These areas lie within 30°- 40° of latitude north and south of the equator and between oceans with cold currents and arid deserts.
now showing 641 - 660 of 1428 << back | next >>
Echium candicans 'Starburst' Evergreen shrub 3-6' x 4-8' w/ pale green variegated foliage & blue flowers in early summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25 degrees F. 
Echium simplex White Tower of Jewels - Biennial w/narrow hairy silver-gray lvs & 6+' tower of white flowers in late spring. Low water needs. Full sun. Well drained soils Hardy to 20F 
Echium wildpretii Tower of Jewels - Biennial w/narrow silver-gray leaves & 6' tower of dark pink flowers in late spring. Low water needs. Full sun. Well drained soils Hardy to 15-20 
Eleocharis montevidensis Sand Spikerush - Bob plant with narrow cylindrial stems growing erect to 2' and spreading w/brown flowers in summer. Full sun. Hardy 20-25 degrees F. 
Encelia californica 'Paleo Yellow' California Bush Sunflower - Subshrub 3-4' tall x 5' wide w/green lvs & pale yellow flwrs spring-fall. Full sun/light shade. Occasional to little H2O. Hardy to 25F. 
Encephalartos altensteinii Prickly Cycad, Bread Tree - Evergreen cycad. Full sun. Low water needs. 10-16 ft. Hardy to 30-32 degrees F. 
Encephalartos horridus Spiny Kafirbread - Cycad from South Africa with spiny blue-gray foliage growing to 18 -24" tall. Full sun. Low water needs. 2-6' tall. Frost Hardy. 
Encephalartos lebomboensis Piet Retief Cycad - Medium sized green cycad growing to 12 feet tall 1 to many stems. Full sun. Low water needs. 8-12 ft tall. Hardy to 30 -32 degrees F. 
Encephalartos lehmannii Karoo Cycad - South African cycad with beautiful blue-gray foliage to 3-5 feet tall. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F 
Encephalartos longifolius Long leafed Cycad - Medium sized cycad which grows to 14' tall with long blue-green recurved leaves. Smaller in cultivation. Full sun, low water, hardy to 26 F. 
Encephalartos natalensis Natal Giant Cycad - Natal giant cycad grows 20' tall with variable leaf size. Smaller in cultivation. Full sun, low water, hardy to 25 F. 
Encephalartos princeps Kei Cycad - Evergreen cycad. Full Sun. Low Water Needs. Grows up to 12 feet tall. Tolerates moderate frosts. 
Encephalartos senticosus Lebombo Cycad - Medium sized green cycad growing to 12 feet tall 1 to many stems. Full sun. Low water needs. 8-12 ft tall. Hardy to 30 -32 degrees F. 
Epilobium 'Bowman's #1' Bowman's California Fuchsia - Perennial sub-shrub to 2' by 2'. Olive-green foliage w/bright orange-red flowers in summer-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 5-10 degrees F. 
Epilobium canum California Fuchsia - Perennial to 2' tall by 2-5' wide with red-orange flowers summer-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Epilobium canum 'Catalina' Catalina California Fuchsia - Perennial sub-shrub to 3' by 5'. Silver-gray foliage with orange-red flowers in summer-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 5-10 degrees F. 
Epilobium canum 'Diamondback' Diamondback California Fuchsia - Perennial sub-shrub to 18" by 3' w/green lvs & orange flwrs summer-fall. Full /part sun. Well drained soi. Occasional/infrequent H2O. Hardy to 5F. 
Epilobium canum 'Sierra Salmon' Sierra Salmon California Fuchsia - Perennial sub-shrub 1-2' by 2-3' w/blue-gray foliage & salmon flowers in summer-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 5-10 degrees F. 
Epilobium canum var. latifolium 'Everett's Choice' Everett's California Fuchsia - Perennial sub-shrub to 6" by 4-5'. Silver-gray foliage w/orange-red flowers in summer-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 5-10 degrees F. 
Epilobium 'Sidewinder' Sidewinder California Fuchsia - Perennial 16" by 3'. Silver-gray lvs w/red flwrs summer-fall. Full /part sun. Well drained soi. Occasional/infrequent H2O. Hardy to 5F. 
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