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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Region > Mediterranean Climate

Region: Mediterranean Climate
Areas with this climate occupy 3% of the land area of the world and include the Mediterranean Basin, California, Central Chile, Cape Region of South Africa, Southwestern and Southern Australia. These areas lie within 30°- 40° of latitude north and south of the equator and between oceans with cold currents and arid deserts.
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Iris PCH 'Red Violet' Pacific Coast Hybrid Iris - Evergreen grasslike clump to 12-18" tall by 2' wide w/red-violet flowers in spring. Sun/Light shade. Occasional watering. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Iris PCH 'Rubies' Pacific Coast Hybrid Iris - Evergreen perennial 12-18" x 2' w/ dark reddish flowers in spring. Sun/Light shade. Little to occasional H20. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Iris PCH 'Sky Blue & White' Pacific Coast Hybrid Iris - Evergreen perennial 12-18"-2' wvery pale blue and white flowers in spring. Sun/Light shade. Little to occasional H20. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Isopogon anethifolius 'Curra Moors' Drumsticks - Erect shrub w/fine divided lvs, yellow flwrs spring-summer & knobby fruit. Full coastal sun/ shade. Well drained soil. Occasional water. Hardy to 20F. 
Isopogon formosus Drumsticks - Evergreen shrub to 6' tall x 4' wide w/filiform leaves & purplish-pink flowers in late winter-spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 F. 
Jasminum angulare South African Jasmine - Evergreen vine to 15-20' tall by 8' wide with white flowers in summer. Sun/Light shade. Water regularly. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F. 
Jasminum tortuosum Twisted Jasmine - Evergreen vine with dark green foliage and fragrant white flowers in summer. Sun. Regular watering. Hardy to 25 degrees F. 
Jubaea chilensis Chilean Wine Palm - Palm. Massive trunk to 80' tall with pinnate foliage. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 10-15 degrees F. 
Juncus effusus ssp. pacificus 'Quartz Creek' Quartz Creek Soft Rush - Evergreen grass-like plant 2-3' tall w/green round stems & brown flowers in summer. Sun/Light Shade. Keep soil moist. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F. 
Juncus inflexus 'Afro' Blue Medusa Rush - Grass-like plant with spiraling blue-green stems to 12-18" tall by 24" wide. Good in shallow water or moist soil. Full sun/ light shade. Hardy to 0 F. 
Juncus patens California Gray Rush - Evergreen grass-like w/leafless stems 18-24" tall & brown flowers spring-fall. Sun/Shade. Dry shade to wet soil. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Juncus patens 'Elk Blue' Elk Blue California Gray Rush - Evergreen grass-like 18" tall w/brown flowers in spring-fall. Sun/Shade. Moderately dry to wet soil. Hardy to <15 F. 1994 SMG Introduction. 
Kalanchoe beharensis 'Brown Dwarf' Dwarf Velvet Elephant Ear) - Shrub 4-6' tall w/contorted olive-green, triangular lvs coverer w/brown velvety hairs. Sun/shade. Drought tolerant. Frost tender - protect < 30F. 
Kalanchoe 'Fantastic' PP21,945 Variegated Paddle Plant - Succulent to 1-2' tall w/pale yellow flwrs on tall stalks. Sun/Light shade. Low-moderate H2O. Hardy to 25-30 F. [K. thyrsiflora, 'Fantastic', Hort.] 
Kalanchoe luciae Paddle Plant - Perennial succulent 1-2' tall w/pale yellow flwrs on tall stalks. Sun/Light shade. Low-Moderate water needs. 25-30 F. [K. thyrsiflora, Hort.] 
Kalanchoe sexangularis Six-angled Kalanchoe - Succulent subshrub 2-3' tall w/red tinged green lvs, angled stems & tall yellow flwrs winter to spring. Cool sun/light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F 
Keckiella cordifolia 'Mountain Flare' Orange Heartleaf Penstemon - Semi-evergreen shrub to 1-3' tall by 3-6' wide w/dark green lvs & summer orange flwrs. Full/part sun. Little/no H2O. Hardy to 0F. 
Kennedia beckxiana 'Flamboyant' Cape Arid Climber - Evergreen vine 8-10' tall w/ green centered red flwrs in spring. Sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 23F. Koala Blooms Intro. 
Kennedia coccinea Coral Vine - Vine or creeper 6-8' tall w/support. Orange, yellow & pink flwrs winter-spring. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Winter moisture. Hardy to 20F 
Kniphofia 'Christmas Cheer' Christmas Cheer Poker Plant - Evergreen perennial w/lvs clumps 3' tall by 6+' wide w/reddish-orange flowers to 6' fall-spring Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 15 degrees F. 
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