Heliotropium sp. 'Ecuador' |
Ecuadorian Heliotrope - Upright shrub 7' tall by 3' wide w/light lavender flowers spring -fall. Sun/Light Shade. Regular/occasional watering. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
Hippeastrum papilio |
Butterfly Amaryllis - Evergreen (mild climate) bulb w/green strap lvs & winter-spings large cream & maroon flwrs. Part sun/light shade. Regular irrigation. Evergeen to 27F.
Hydrocleys nymphoides |
Water Poppy - Aquatic plant. Best in water 6 in. deep or less. Sun/Light. Yellow poppy-like flowers in summer. 30-32 degrees F.
Hydrocleys nymphoides 'Venezuelan' |
Venezuelan Water Poppy - Aquatic. Glossy green lily-like pads spread rapidly in full sun. Single bright yellow flowers in summer. Place pot up to 12" deep. Hardy to 28-30.
Ipheion uniflorum |
Spring Star Flower - Bulb. Full sun. Keep soil moist. Blue-purple flowers in spring. 6-9" tall. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
Ipheion uniflorum 'Wisley Blue' |
Spring Star Flower - Bulb. Narrow foliage to 6-9" tall w/silvery blue flowers in spring. Full sun. No water during summer. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
Iresine herbstii 'Blazin Rose' |
Blazin Rose Bloodleaf - Colortul small shrub 2-3' tall & wide w/ red leaves marked with paler pink veins. Plant in full sun/ part shade. Water regularly. Hardy to 30 F
Iresine herbstii 'Brilliantissima' |
Bloodleaf - Colortul small shrub 2-3' tall & wide w/ red leaves marked with pale veins. Plant in full sun/ part shade. Water regularly. Hardy to 30 F
Jacaranda mimosifolia (Low branched) |
Jacaranda - Semi-evergreen tree to 40' tall by 30' wide w/delicate foliage & lavender blue flwrs late spring-summer. Full sun. Occasional watering. To 25-30 F.
Jacaranda mimosifolia (Standard) |
Jacaranda - Semi-evergreen tree to 40' tall by 30' wide w/delicate foliage & lavender blue flwrs late spring-summer. Full sun. Occasional watering. To 25-30 F.
Jubaea chilensis |
Chilean Wine Palm - Palm. Massive trunk to 80' tall with pinnate foliage. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 10-15 degrees F.
Justicia rizzinii |
Firecracker Flower - A compact shrub 3-4' tall with small leaves & tubular red and yellow flowers in fall to early spring. Full to part sun. Medium H2O. Hardy to 27F
Lantana montevidensis |
Purple Trailing Lantana - Evergreen groundcover to 2' tall x 10' wide w/violet flowers year-round. Full Sun. Drought tolerant. Evergren to 20-25 degrees F - hardy to 10F.
Lantana montevidensis 'Alba' |
White Trailing Lantana - Evergreen groundcover to 2' tall by 10' wide w/ white flowers year-round. Full Sun. Drought tolerant. Evergren to 20-25 degrees F - hardy to 10F.
Lapageria rosea |
Chilean Bellflower - Evergreen vine w/leathery dark green lvs & 4" pendulous pink flwrs summer/fall. Light shade. Regular irrigation. Acid well drained soil. Hardy to 15F.
Lobelia excelsa |
Chilean Lobelia - Shrub/perennial to 6' tall w/leafy stems bearing reddish-orange flowers spring-fall.Full Sun. Regular to little watering. Hardy to 15 F.
Lonchocarpus sericeus |
Lancepod - Tropical tree w/lush pinnate foliage & dark violet pink fragrant flwrs. Full sun. Regular to occasional H20. Hardy to 30° F May not flower in CA.
Luma apiculata |
Evergreen shrub/tree 8'+ tall w/dark glossy lvs & spring white flwrs followed by bluish-black berries. Full sun. Regular/occasional H2O. Hardy to 15F.
Lycianthes rantonnetii 'Lynn's Variegated' |
Variegated Blue Potato Shrub - Evergreen shrub to 12' tall w/white variegated lvs & purple-blue flowers year-round. Full/part sun. Regular to Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25 F.
Lycianthes rantonnetii 'Royal Robe' |
Purple Solanum - Evergreen shrub. Full sun. Low-Moderate watering needs. Purple flowers year-round. 6-8'x6-8'. 25-30 degrees F.