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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Region > South Africa and Madagascar

Region: South Africa and Madagascar
South Africa from the Kalahari Desert south to the Cape of Good Hope and Madagascar, the forth largest island in the world.
now showing 161 - 180 of 702 << back | next >>
Aloe Safari Orange ['ANDora'] PP28,003 Safari Orange Aloe - Custering to 3' tall w/gray-green lvs & bright orange flwrs late fall-winter. Full sun. Little water. Hardy to around 23 F. Propagation Prohibited. 
Aloe 'Safari Rose' PP28,002 Safari Rose Aloe - Clumping 1' tall w/upright green lvs & pink & salmon flwrs fall-spring. Sun/light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 23F. Propagation Prohibited. 
Aloe Safari Sunrise ['X5'] PP23,267 Safari Sunrise Aloe - Clumping 1' tall w/thin upright green lvs & pink & white flwrs spring-winter. Sun/light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 21F. Propagation Prohibited 
Aloe 'Samson' Samson Aloe - Large tree aloe wih 2' long lvs & pale salmon-orange flowers fall-winter. Full sun. Good drainage. Little irrigation. Hardy to 25F. 
Aloe speciosa Tilt-head Aloe - Succulent to 10'+ w/gray-green lvs & greenish-white flowers from red-pink buds in winter. Full Sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20 degrees F. 
Aloe spicata Bottle-brush Aloe - Shruby aloe 4 to 6' tall & wide w/bright green reddish toned lvs and winter orange-yellow flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F. 
Aloe 'Spiney' Succulent shrub aloe 3-4' tall by as wide w/spiney gray-green lvs & winter orange flwrs. Full sun in well-drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 20-25F 
Aloe 'Splashy Lassie' Variegated Grassy Lassie - Succulent to 1 'w/narrow cream stripped green lvs turning bronze in sun & orange flwrs year-round. Sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Hardy to 25F. 
Aloe 'Starfire' Griffin Starfire Hybrid Aloe - Small upright plant 6-12" tall & wide w/pale green lvs w/orange dashes & orange winter flwrs. Sun/light shade. Occasional/Lite H20. Hardy to 25F. 
Aloe striata Coral Aloe - Succulent 2' rosettes w/pale green broad leaves. Coral-red inflorescence in late winter/early spring. Sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20 degrees F. 
Aloe striata ssp. karasbergensis Karasburg Coral Aloe - Succulent with wide blue-green wide leaves w/linear striations reddish pink flowers. Full sun/ light shade. Very Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 F. 
Aloe striatula 'Burly' Large Hardy Aloe - Succulent to 6' tall by 5' wide with narrow leaves and yellow flowers late spring and summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15 degrees F. 
Aloe succotrina Table Mountain Aloe - Midsize aloe 3-4' tall by 5-6' wide w/erect gray-green lvs & orange-red flwrs in winter. Full Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20 F. 
Aloe 'Sunrise' Griffin Sunrise Hybrid Aloe - Small upright plant 6-12" tall & wide w/gray-green lvs w/red ridges & red-orange winter flwrs. Sun/light shade. Occasional/Lite H20. Hardy to 25F. 
Aloe 'Superman' Shrub aloe to 3-4' tall by as wide w/red tinged green lvs & winter/spring red flwrs. Full sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 20-25F. 
Aloe suzannae Malagasy Tree Aloe - Large succulent to 8-12' tall with narrow gray leaves and cream flowers winter-spring (rare). Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to about 27F. 
Aloe tenuior Fence Aloe - Succulent shrub to 3' tall by 5' wide ith narrow blue-green lvs and yellow flwrs fall-winter. Sun/light shade. Occasional H2O . Hardy to 27F 
Aloe 'Thorny Warrior' Upright rosettes to 3'+ w/ yellow teeth & thorns on lvs & salmon fall flwrs. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little irrigation. Hardy to 30F - maybe less 
Aloe thraskii Coast Aloe - Tall Succulent to 10+' few branches w/gray-green lvs & orange-yellow flowers in winter. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 30 F. 
Aloe 'Tingtinkie' Clumping w/small rosettes of green lvs & unbranched stems of coral &cream flwrs year round. Full sun/shade. Little irrigation. Hardy to 25F. 
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