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San Marcos Growers deals strictly with those in the wholesale nursery and landscape trade. We do not ship other than by our own trucks within California. We realize that there is considerable interest in the plants we grow. Nurseries listed on our main Online Retailer Page will, at their discretion, puchase and ship our plants. Several other nurseries, such as the ones listed below, grow some of the same or similar plants as those that we grow and these nurseries do mail order sales. The links to these nurseries is for your convenience and while we believe these companies to have great plants and reliable service, the inclusion of such link does not imply any endorsement, guarantee, warranty or representation by San Marcos Growers of the quality or accuracy of the products or services provided to you by any such site.
Plants Delight Nursery is a botanical garden of plants for mail & Online ordering - They grow many of the same plants that we do and some other really great plants as well!
Search Plants Delight Catalog
Since 1892 Logees Greenhouses has been providing great plants to American gardeners. Located in Danielson, Conneticut Logees is noted for a wide variety of tropical plants.
Search Plants in Logee's Catalog