Abutilon palmeri |
Indian Mallow - Shrub 4-5' tall & wide w/velvety silver heart shaped lvs & gold flwrs spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little to occasional H20. Hardy to 25F.
Aloe palmiformis |
Angolan Krantz Aloe - Upright shrub aloe 4-5' tall w/short recurved lvs & salmon flwrs in fall/winter. Full Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to <30 F.
Working on this plant but not yet available
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana |
King Palm - Palm. Sun/Light Shade. Occasional watering. Pinkish inflorescences in spring-summer. 60' tall. Solitary trunk. 25-30 degrees F.
[Seaforthia elegans, Hort.]
No longer in production
Arenga engleri |
Formosa Sugarpalm - Palm. Looks best in partial but tolerant of full sun. Regular watering. Grows to 10' tall. Clump forming. 30-32 degrees F.
No longer in production
Beaucarnea 'Gold Star' |
Variegated Bottle Palm - Slow growing succulent evergreen tree 4-6'+ tall w/swollen base & red tinged yellow margined narrow lvs. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 30F.
[B. 'Yellow Star', Nolina 'Gold Star']
No longer in production
Beaucarnea recurvata |
Bottle Palm - Slow growing succulent evergreen tree to 30' with large base and narrow leaves. Full sun. Low water needs. 25-30 degrees F.
[Nolina recurvata]
No longer in production
Begonia luxurians |
Palm Leaf Begonia - A shrubby begonia growing to 4-8 feet tall with large compound leaves. Bright shade. Protect from temp <30 degrees F. Ample water.
[Scheidweileria luxurians]
No longer in production
Brahea armata |
Blue Hesper Palm - Palm to 30' tall with silvery-gray leaves and creamy flowers on a long inflorescence in summer. Full sun. Low water needs. 15-20 degrees F
[Erythaea armata]
No longer in production
Brahea brandegeei |
San José Hesper Palm - Palm that grows up to 125' with green fan-like leaves. Full sun. Low water needs. 25-30 degrees F.
[Erythaea brandegeei]
No longer in production
Brahea edulis |
Guadalupe Palm - A fan palm to 30' w/broad blue-green lvs on a stout clean trunk w/cream flwrs & edible fruit. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 20 F.
[Erythaea edulis]
No longer in production
Butia capitata |
Jelly or Pindo Palm - Feather palm to 20' tall with pale gray-green to blue gray lvs and edible fruit. Sun/Light shade. Moderate to occasional H2O. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
[B. odorata, Cocos odorata, C. australis, Hort.]
No longer in production
Chamaerops humilis |
Mediterranean Fan Palm - Palm. Full sun. Water regularly. 8' tall and 16' wide. 15-20 degrees F.
No longer in production
Chamaerops humilis var. argentea |
Atlas Mountain Palm - Fan palm with multiple stems to 8-12' tall and 16' wide with silver gray foliage. Full sun. Water regularly. 15-20 degrees F.
[Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera]
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Albertii' |
Grass Palm - Evergreen tree-like. Full sun. Drought tolerant. White flowers in late spring. 20-30'x10'. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Dark Star' |
Red Grass Palm - Evergreen tree-like plant to 20-30'x10' wide. Dark red lvs w/spring white flwrs on mature plants. Full sun/shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15 F.
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Krakatoa' |
Grass Palm - Evergreen tree-like plant to 20-30' tall w /pink edged vivid red lvs that age to maroon then white w/ age. Full sun. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
No longer in production
Cordyline australis Pink Passion ['Seipin'] PP 19,927 |
Pink Passion Grass Palm - Evergreen plant 10-20' tall. Gray-purple & pink lvs w/spring white flwrs . Full coastal sun/shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 15F. ['Seipin'] PP 19,927
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Pink Stripe' |
Pink Striped Grass Palm - Tree-like plant to 25 ft. tall with pink striped lvs & large panicles of white fragrant flwrs. Sun/light shade. Low to regular h20. Hardy to 15 F
[Dracaena australis, C. australis 'Kiwi Dazzler']
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Red Star' |
Red Grass Palm - Evergreen tree-like plant to 20-30'x10' wide. Red leaves w/spring white flwrs on mature plants. Full sun/shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15 F.
Cordyline australis 'Southern Splendour' PP19,102 |
Southern Splendor Grass Palm - Tree-like plant to 10-20' w/pink margined lvs & large panicles of white fragrant flwrs. Sun/light shade. Low to regular H20. Hardy to 15F.
[Dracaena australis, C. 'Southern Splendor']
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Sundance' |
Green and Red Grass Palm - Evergreen tree-like plant to 20-30'x10' wide. Green leaves w/red midrib & white flwrs on mature plants. Full sun/shade. Drought tolerant. To 15 F.
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Torbay Dazzler' |
Torbay Dazzler Grass Palm - Evergreen tree-like to 20-30'x10'. Cream variegated leaves w/spring white flwrs on mature plants. Full sun/shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15 F.
Cordyline stricta |
Slender Palm Lily - Upright shub-like plant w/ long narrow green lvs & summer violet flwrs & dark fruit. Part sun/light shade. Regular H2O. Hardy to 25-30F.
No longer in production
Curculigo capitulata |
Palm Grass - Perennial. Large palm-like foliage w/ unusual basal yellow flowers in summer-fall. Light shade. Keep soil moist. Hardy to 28 degrees F.
No longer in production
Cycas panzhihuaensis |
Panzhihua Sago Palm - Slow growing cycad to 4 to 8'+ w/many 4' long grayish blue-green leaves. Plant in full sun. Irrigate regularly. Evergreen to 20F and hardy to 7F.
[Cycas siamensis]
No longer in production
Doryanthes palmeri |
Giant Spear Lily - Evergreen plant w/long pleated lvs to 8' tall. Large red flwrs on stalks angling above foliage in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.
[D. excelsa var. palnieri]
Ficus brandegeei |
Desert Fig - Tree usually kept small in container. Swollen trunk & stems w/heart shaped lvs. Full sun/bright light. Good indoors. Regular/little H2O. Hardy to 30F.
[Ficus petiolaris, F. palmeri]
No longer in production
Hedyscepe canterburyana |
Umbrella Palm - Solitary feather palm w/blue gray crown shaft & recurved lvs. Plant in sheltered part sun/shade. Regular irrigation. Well drained soil. Hardy to 28 F.
No longer in production
Jubaea chilensis |
Chilean Wine Palm - Palm. Massive trunk to 80' tall with pinnate foliage. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 10-15 degrees F.
No longer in production
Livistona chinensis |
Chinese Fan Palm - Palm. Light Shade. Water moderately. Grows to 30' tall. 25-30 degrees F.
No longer in production