Echeveria gibbiflora 'David Harris' |
Cluster forming w/large rosettes of gray-green tinged purple lvs on 1-2' stems. Full sun/light shade. Regular/little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Echeveria gibbiflora 'Ursa Minor' |
Cluster forming w/large rosettes of gray-green lvs w/frilly pink margins on 1-2' stems. Full sun/light shade. Regular/little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Echeveria gigantea |
Giant Hens and Chicks - Large rosettes of gray-green lvs rise up on a 1-2' stems w/rose-red flwrs fall-winter. Full coastal sun/light shade. Regular/little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Echeveria 'Gilva' |
Succulent with green lvs w/red marginsyellow & pink flwrs. Full/part Coastal sun. Well drained soil. Occasional H20. Hardy to 25F.
[E. agavoides 'Gilva', Hort.]
Echeveria 'Golden Glow' |
Golden Hens and Chicks - Rosette forming succulent w/spoonshaped red tipped yellow-green lvs w/pink & yellow flwrs. Full sun (best color)/shade. Little H20. Hardy to <27F.
No longer in production
Echeveria halbingeri |
Mexican Snowball - Succulent with tight rosettes to 4" wide. Yellow & pink flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Hercules' PP26,230 |
Small succulent w/rosettes of pink blushed gray-green lvs & yellow flwrs. Full/ part sun in a well drained soil with occasional H2O. Hardy to 30F
Echeveria juarezensis |
Juareze Hens and Chicks - Rosette-forming succulent w/gray-green undulating red margined lvs & orange flwrs in summer. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Hardy to 25F.
[Echeveria sp. aff. Juarezensis]
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Latte Rose' |
Brown Ghost Plant - Succulent with tight rosettes of pale brown leaves. Plant in full coastal sun to bright shade. Well drained soil. Occasional H20. Hardy to 15-20F.
Echeveria 'Laulindsa' |
Succulent w/1' wide rosettes of gray lvs w/red highlights & salmon flwrs. Full sun. Water gently w/o removing wax on lvs. Drought tolerant. 20-25 F.
[E. 'Laulindsay', E. 'Laulind']
Echeveria lilacina |
Ghost Echeveria - Slow growing succulent w/ 10" wide flat rosetts of pale gray lvs & coral flwrs. Full sun/ light shade. Well drained soil. Hardy to at least mid 20's.
Echeveria lutea |
Yellow Echeveria - Solitary rosettes to 8" wide w/enrolled purple & green lvs & yellow summer. flwrs. Cool sun/shade. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardiness not known.
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Mauna Loa' |
1-2' wide rosettes of gray-green lvs w/frilly pink margins and warty bumps on 1-2' stems. Full sun/light shade. Regular/little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[E. 'Red Frills', Hort.]
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Mensa' |
Clustering succulent w/8"wide rosettes of gray-green lvs flushed pink & spring orange flwrs. Full/part sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[E. 'Dark Desire', E. 'Neon Black Pride']
No longer in production
Echeveria minima |
Dwarf Echeveria - Small clustering succulent w/rosettes to 2" wide w/gray-green lvs & spring pink & yellow flwrs. Full sun/shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Morning Beauty' |
Morning Beauty Echeveria - Slow growing succulent w/ 4" wide flat rosettes of blue gray lvs & orange-yellow flwrs. Full sun/ light shade. Well drained soil. Hardy to 25 F?
[E. subsessilis 'Morning Beauty']
Echeveria nodulosa |
Painted Echeveria - Succulent w/1-2' stems of 5" rosettes of green marked red lvs w/yellow summer flwrs. Sun/light shade. Well drained soil.Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25 F.
[E. discolor, E. misteca, Cotyledon nodulosa]
No longer in production
Echeveria olivacea |
Macdougall's Oaxacan Echeveria - Short stemmed rosette forming succulent w/red tinged green lvs & yellow orange flwrs in late spring. Cool sun/shade. Ocassional H2O. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Parva' |
Symmetrical succulent w/ 8" wide rosettes of blue-green red spotted lvs & spring yellow flwrs. Full/part sun. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Echeveria ISI 804
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Perle Von Nürnberg' |
Succulent with 5-6" wide rosettes of pinkish gray-brown lvs & coral pink flwrs in summer. Sun/shade. Occasional to regular irrigation. Hardy to 25F.
[E. 'Pearl of Nurnberg']
Echeveria 'Powder Blue' |
White Rose Echeveria - Clumping succulent with 1' wide rosettes of white waxy blue-green leaves & pink flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Occasional/Infrequent H20. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Echeveria prolifica |
Prolific Echeveria - Spreading plant to 1-2" tall w/small gray-green rosettes and yellow flwrs in spring. Full coastal sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 15-20F.
Echeveria pulidonis |
Succulent with tight rosettes 4-5" wide with blue-green red edged lvs & yellow flwrs in spring-summer. Sun/Shade. Drought tolerant. 25 degrees F.
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Pulvicox' |
Red Echeveria - Succulent 1-2' tall by 2-4' wide w/leafy stems of silver soft hairy lvs & orange-red flwrs Winter/Spring. Full sun/shade. Litte H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[E. coccinea, Hort., E. pubescens, Hort.]
Echeveria pulvinata 'Benito Juarez' |
Chenille Plant - Succulent 1-2' tall w/white fuzzy olive green lvs & yellow & red spring flwrs. Full/part sun. Infrequent H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty' |
White Chenille Plant - Succulent 6-12" tall by 2' wide w/stems cloaked in silver white lvs & spring orange flwrs. Full/part sun. Good drainage. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[Cotyledon pulvinata E. 'Suave']
Echeveria 'Pulv-oliver' |
Red Echeveria - Succulent to 10" tall with fuzzy red tipped leaves and orange & yellow flowers in summer. Sun/ light shade. Drought tolerant. 15-20 degrees F.
[E. 'Red Edge' ,E. harmsii, Hort.]
Echeveria 'Purple Pearl' |
Purple Perle Von Nürnberg - Succulent with 5-6" wide rosettes of purplish gray-brown lvs & coral pink flwrs in summer. Sun/shade. Occasional to regular irrigation. Hardy to 25F.
[E. 'Purple Perle Von Nürnberg']
No longer in production
Echeveria racemosa var. citrina |
Yellow Echeveria - Solitary rosettes to 8" wide w/reflexed green lvs & tall stalks of winter yellow flwrs. Sun/shade. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardiness not known.
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Raindrops' |
Raindrops Echeveria - Small rosettes to 6 " wide w/pale green pink margined leaves that have a bluish bump in the middle. Light shade. Well drained soil. Hardey to 25-30.
No longer in production