Pachypodium lamerei |
Madagascar Palm - Succulent stemmed plant w/spiny trunks topped w/long narrow green lvs & white summer flwrs. Sun/Light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28F.
Phoenix reclinata |
Senegal Date Palm - Multi-trunked palm that can grows to 30' tall and as wide. Plant in full sun. Ample water. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
No longer in production
Phoenix roebelenii |
Pygmy Date Palm - Fine featured dwarf feather palm to 6-10' tall. Part shade /full sun (coastal). Regular to occasional water. Hardy to about 20 degrees F.
[P. roebelinii, Hort.]
No longer in production
Phoenix roebelenii (Multiple planted) |
Pygmy Date Palm - Fine featured dwarf feather palm to 6-10' tall. Part shade /full sun (coastal). Regular to occasional water. Hardy to about 20 degrees F.
No longer in production
Rhapis excelsa |
Lady Palm - Palm w/tall stems 5-12' tall crowned in deeply divided fan shaped lvs. Coastal sun/light shade. Water regularly/occasionally. Hardy to <20 F.
No longer in production
Sedum palmeri |
Palmer's Sedum - Succulent with small neat green rosettes on thin stems with yellow flowers in winter. Plant in part sun to shade. Hardy to 0 F.
Senecio palmeri 'Silver and Gold' |
Guadalupe Island Senecio - Small evergreen shrub 2-3' tall & wide w/white lvs & yellow flwrs. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little/no H2O. Hardy to 19F. SB Botanic Garden Intro.
Setaria palmifolia |
Palm Grass - Evergreen grass 3-6' tall & wide w/dark green pleated lvs & Greenish-black tall flwrs in summer. Sun/Shade. Reg to Little H2O. 20-25 degrees F.
[Panicum palmifolium]
Setaria palmifolia 'Little Geno' |
Dwarf Palm Grass - Evergreen grass 1-2' tall & wide w/dark green pleated lvs & Greenish-black tall flwrs in summer. Sun/Shade. Reg to Little H2O. 20-25 degrees F.
[Panicum palmifolium]
No longer in production
Setaria palmifolia var. rubra |
Red Palm Grass - Evergreen grass to 3' tall & wide w/pleated foliage & red veins & stems. Flowers in summer. Sun/Shade. Regular H2O. 20-25 degrees F.
No longer in production
Setaria palmifolia 'Variegata' |
Malaysian Variegated Palm Grass - Evergreen grass to 2' tall & wide w/pleated foliage w/red veins & white margins. Flowers in fall. Sun/Shade. Regular H2O. Not frost hardy.
[Setaria palmifolia 'Rubra Variegata'
No longer in production
Sisyrinchium palmifolium |
Palm-leaf Yellow-Eyed Grass - Bulbous perennial w/ grass-like blue-green lvs to 2' tall & summer-fall yellow flwrs rising to 40". Full Sun. Regular H2O. Hardy to 0F.
[S. macrocephalum]
Syagrus romanzoffiana |
Queen Palm - Palm with feathery fronds to 50' tall. . Full sun. Water regularly. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
[Arecastrum romanzoffianum]
No longer in production
Trachycarpus wagnerianus |
Dwarf Chusan Palm - Small palm with rounded dark green leaves to 20' tall. Full sun/Shade. Water regularly. More wind tolerant than T. fortnuei. Hardy to 1 degrees F.
[T. fortunei 'Wagnerianus', T. takil, Hort.]
No longer in production
Trevesia palmata |
Snowflake Aralia - Evergreen tree to 15-20' with large lobed leaves. Plant in cool full sun to light shade. Medium water needs. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
Trevesia palmata 'Micholitzii' |
Micholitz Snowflake Aralia - Evergreen tree/shrub 15-20' w/large dissected dark green leaves that first emerge gray & downy. Light shade. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 25-30 F.
No longer in production
Trithrinax acanthocoma |
Spiny Fiber Palm - Single trunk fan palm 12' tall w/green lvs & thatching & spines on truck. White summer flwrs & white fruit. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 23F
No longer in production
Trithrinax campestris |
Blue Needle Palm - Low branching palm with stems covered in spines with stiff gray leaves. Full sun. Little irrigation regquired. Hardy to below 15F.
Zamia furfuracea |
Sago Cycas, Cardboard Palm - A clustering cycad w/leafy stems to 3-4 by 2-4' wide. Sun/Light shade. Regular watering spring through fall. Hardy to 25 degrees F.
[Zamia pumila, Hort.]
No longer in production