Echeveria rosea |
Epiphytic Echeveria - Succulent 1-2' tall w/narrow red flushed lvs along stems w/rose & yellow flwrs. Part sun. Regular watering. Hardy to at least 30F.
[Echeveria chiapensis]
No longer in production
Echeveria rubromarginata 'Lava Flow' |
Rosette succulent 1' tall & wide w/red margined gray lvs and tall stalks of red & yellow flwrs. Full/part sun. Good drainage. Little H20. Hardy to 25?
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Ruffled Red' |
1-2' wide rosettes of gray-green lvs w/frilly pink margins on 1-2' stems. Full sun/light shade. Regular/little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy' |
Forms a mounded rosette of layered, thick, blue leaves. Less than a foot tall. Full sun. Orange flowers in fall. Medium water needs. Hardy to 25 F.
No longer in production
Echeveria runyonii 'Turvy Topsy' |
Mounded rosettes to less than a foot tall w/upwardly curved pink-gray lvs. Full sun. Orange-pink flwrs in fall. Medium water needs. Hardy to 25 F.
Echeveria 'Sagitta' PP26,231 |
Succulent w/6" wide rosettes of green red tinged lvs & summer yellow flwrs. Full/part coastal sun. Well drained soil. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Echeveria secunda |
Hens and Chicks - Succulent of tight grey/blue rosettes to 4-6" tall . Red & yellow flowers in summer. Full sun (coastal) to light shade. Hardy to <20 F
[E. pumila var. glauca, E. glauca var. pumila]
No longer in production
Echeveria secunda 'Blue Mist' |
Blue Mist Hens and Chicks - Succulent of tight whitish gray rosettes to 6" tall . Red & yellow flowers in summer. Full sun (coastal) to light shade. Hardy to <20 F
[E. pumila var. glauca, E. glauca var. pumila]
No longer in production
Echeveria semivestita |
Blue Echeveria - Succulent 1-2' tall w/rosettes of green lvs w/red margins. Slate-blue buds open to red flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardiness unknown.
No longer in production
Echeveria shaviana |
Mexican Hens - Succulent w/rosettes of layered, ruffled pinkish blue-gray lvs. Late summer pink flwrs have yellow interior. Full/part sun. Medium H20. Hardy to 23F.
No longer in production
Echeveria subrigida 'Fire and Ice' |
Red Edge Echeveria - Rosette forming succulent to 18" wide with blue-green lvs w/pink margins & coral flwrs in summer. Sun/light shade, good drainage. Hardy to 20F.
No longer in production
Echeveria subsessilis |
Rosettes of pale gray-green lvs & orange-pink summer flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F. [Echeveria peacockii]
[Echeveria peacockii, E. desmetiana]
No longer in production
Echeveria trianthina |
Hidalgo Echeveria - Small clustering plant to 6-8" wide w/purple-brown leaves & apricol flowers in summer. Full sun/light shade. Little H2O needed. Hardiness not known.
[E. bifida]
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Violet Queen' |
Violet Queen Hens and Chicks - Succulent w/rosettes to 6-8" wide w/gray blushed violet-pink lvs in winter. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
No longer in production
Echeveria x imbricata |
Hens and Chicks - Succulent 4-5" tall with pale gray green leaves and red & yellow flowers in spring-early summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
[Echeveria 'Imbricata']
Echeveria x imbricata 'Blue Rose' |
Blue Rose - Succulent 4-5" tall w/open rosettes of blue gray lvs and red & yellow flowers in spring-early summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
[E. glauca, Hort.]
No longer in production
Echeveria x imbricata 'Compton Carousel' |
Serenity Hens and Chicks - Succulent of tight rosettes to 6" tall & wide w/grey-blue lvs w/broad cream margins. Cool sun/light shade. Hardy to 20-25 F. Propagation Prohibited
[E.secunda 'DS-2009', 'Imbricata' variegata, Hort]
No longer in production
Echeveria x imbricata 'Dummen Green' |
Green Hens and Chicks - Succulent 4-5" tall with pale gray green leaves and red & yellow flowers in spring-early summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
[Echeveria 'Imbricata']
No longer in production
Echeveria x imbricata 'Gray Swirl' |
Hens and Chicks - Succulent 4-5" tall with pale gray green leaves and red & yellow flowers in spring-early summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
No longer in production
Echeveria 'Zorro' |
Large plant w/contorted dark red frilly lvs & 3' tall stalks of pink flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F
No longer in production
Graptoveria 'Fred Ives' |
Succulent with rosettes of wide bronzy pink leaves. Full sun/ light shade. Infrequent irrigation. Hardy to 25 F.
[Echeveria 'Fred Ives' ]
Graptoveria 'Unstable Mable' |
Succulent with rosettes of wide bronzy pink leaves w/cream maigins. Full sun/ light shade. Infrequent irrigation. Hardy to 25 F.
[Echeveria 'Variegated Fred Ives' ]
No longer in production
Pachyveria 'Clavifolia' |
Jeweled Crown - Small succulent w/rosettes of narrow gray lvs with red highlights. Orange-red flwrs spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little H20. Hardy to 20-25F.
[Echeveria 'Gray Red', P. 'Scheideckeri', Hort.]
No longer in production
Pachyveria 'Haageana Tolimanensis' |
Upright succulent to 1' w/rosettes of gray lvs w/purple highlights. Orange-red flwrs spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little H20. Hardy to 20-25F.
Echeveria haagai tolimanensis, Hort.]