Aloe eminens 'Koko Crater' |
Somali Tree Aloe - Small tree aloe with smooth dull green lvs and deep rose flwrs fall-winter. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 30F.
[Aloidendron eminens]
Aloe 'Malibu Peach' |
Shruby succulent to 4-5' tall & wide w/pale green lvs & peach & cream flwrs fall-winter. Full Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25 F.
Aloe scobinifolia |
Somalian Aloe - Stemless solitary plant w/open rosettes of smooth margined gray-green lvs & orange flwrs summer/ fall. Full/part un. Little H20. Hardiness not known.
Bambusa malingensis |
Seabreeze Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 35' tall w/ 2 1/2" wide (usually smaller) dark green culms w/small dark green leaves. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 21F.
No longer in production
Crassula multicava 'Mali's Thai-Dye' |
Mali's Fairy Crassula - Low growing spreading succulent 1' tall w/rounded variegated green lvs & white flowers in winter. Full sun/shade. Little summer water. Hardy to 20F.
[Crassula quadrifida, Septimia multicava]
Kniphofia uvaria 'Malibu Yellow' |
Malibu Yellow Poker Plant - Evergreen perennial 3'x4' w/bright yellow flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. Occasional watering. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
No longer in production
Plectranthus argentifolius |
Somalian Spur Flower - Low growing shrub w/gray-green aromatic foliage & pale blue flwrs in spring Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 30F
[Coleus argentifolius, Plectranthus coerulescens]
No longer in production
Sansevieria grandis |
Somali Good Luck Plant - Banded broad short lvs to 2' tall age to solid green. White fragrant flowers. Nice houseplant. Bright to deep shade. 30-32 F
[Sansevieria hyacinthoide cv.]
Tradescantia sillamontana |
Cobweb Spiderwort - Evergreen (frost free climates) perennial to 18" tall w/silver lvs & summer magenta flwrs. Full sun/shade. Little to Regular H2O. Hardy to 15F.
[T. pexata, Cyanotis somaliensis, Hort.]