Agave potatorum |
Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 1-2' tall x 2-3' wide with gray leaves. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. scolymus, A. verschaffletii]
No longer in production
Agave potatorum "Portillo Nejapa" |
Portillo Nejapa Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 1-2' tall x 2-3' wide w white-gray leaves.Full sun.Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. scolymus, A. verschaffletii]
Agave potatorum 'Cherry Swizzle' |
Cherry Swizzle Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 1-2' tall x 2-3' wide w/red spined gray leaves.Full sun.Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. scolymus, A. verschaffletii]
Agave potatorum 'El Camarón' |
El Camarón Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 1-2' tall x 2-3' wide w white-gray leaves.Full sun.Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. scolymus, A. verschaffletii]
Agave potatorum 'Eye Scream' |
Variegated Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 8" tall by 12-18" wide w/blue-gray cream margined lvs. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. potatorum 'Bluewinds', A. isthmensis cv]
Agave potatorum 'Ikari Raijin Nishiki' |
Small rosettes 14-18" wide w/stout short yellow margined lvs streaked blue-gray. Full sun. Little water. Hardy to 25F.
[Agave verschafeltii 'Marginata' ]
Agave potatorum 'Kichiokan' |
Dwarf Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 12" tall x 18" wide w/gray leaves. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. 'Kichijokan']
Agave potatorum 'Kichiokan Marginata' |
Dwarf Variegated Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 12" tall x 18" wide w/gray leaves margined with cream Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. 'Kichijokan Marginata' A. 'Kissho Kan']
Agave potatorum 'Mariscal' |
Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 1-2' tall x 2-3' wide w/red spined gray leaves.Full sun.Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. scolymus, A. verschaffletii]
No longer in production
Agave potatorum 'Snowfall' |
Variegated Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 2' tall x 2-3' wide w/gray cream margined lvs. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. scolymus, A. verschaffletii]
Agave potatorum 'Swizzle Stick' |
Butterfly Agave - Rosette forming succulent to 1-2' tall x 2-3' wide w/red wiggly spined gray leaves.Full sun.Drought tolerant. Hardy to around 25 degrees F.
[A. scolymus, A. verschaffletii]
No longer in production