Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic' |
Black Taro - Dusty charcoal, black leaves on dark burgundy stems. Excellent for the tropical, aquatic garden. Sun or part shade. 5 ft. tall. Root hardy to 0 F
[Colocasia antiquorum]
No longer in production
Colocasia esculenta 'Black Runner' |
Black Taro - Dusty charcoal-black leaves on dark burgundy stems. Spreads by runners. Excellent for tropical, aquatic garden. Sun/ part shade. 4 ft. tall. 15-20 F
[Colocasia antiquorum]
No longer in production
Colocasia esculenta 'Chicago Harlequin' |
Taro - Aquatic. Large leaves variegated light and dark green. Cream stripes on stems. Cold hardy but winter dormant.
No longer in production
Colocasia esculenta 'Fontanesii' |
Black Taro - Aquatic perennial 4-6' tall w/black petioled dark green lvs. Full (coastal) to part sun. Saturated soil to 12" deep in water. Hardy to 30-32F.
No longer in production
Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum 'Illustris' |
Imperial Taro - Dramatic perennial 3-6' tall with dark purple leaves w/ green veins. Hardy to mid 20's. Evergreen in frost free areas. Reg. water. Perfect for ponds.
[Colocasia antiquorum 'Illustris']
No longer in production
Colocasia multiflora |
Red Stemmed Taro - Brilliant red stems with large, dark green leaves to 4 ft. tall. Perfect for the tropical, aquatic garden. Sun or light shade. Hardy to 15-20 F.
No longer in production