Cordyline australis 'Paradise' PP19,963 |
Paradise Grass Tree - Tree-like plant to 25 ft. tall w/coral pink striped lvs & white fragrant flwrs. Sun/light shade. Low to regular H20. Hardy to 15 F. PP 19,963.
[Dracaena australis]
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Pink Stripe' |
Pink Striped Grass Palm - Tree-like plant to 25 ft. tall with pink striped lvs & large panicles of white fragrant flwrs. Sun/light shade. Low to regular h20. Hardy to 15 F
[Dracaena australis, C. australis 'Kiwi Dazzler']
No longer in production
Cordyline australis 'Southern Splendour' PP19,102 |
Southern Splendor Grass Palm - Tree-like plant to 10-20' w/pink margined lvs & large panicles of white fragrant flwrs. Sun/light shade. Low to regular H20. Hardy to 15F.
[Dracaena australis, C. 'Southern Splendor']
No longer in production
Dianella ensifolia |
Umbrella Dracaena - Unusual perennial with slender stems to 4-6' tall bearing fans of lvs & blue flowers in summer. Part sun. Water occasionally. 15-20 degrees F.
No longer in production
Dracaena draco |
Dragon Tree - Evergreen succulent tree to 25'x25' w/ swollen stems & gray soft sword-like leaves. Full sun/part shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
[Asparagus draco]
Dracaena draco 'Azores' |
Azores Dragon Tree - Evergreen succulent tree to 15' tall w/ swollen stems & gray soft sword-like leaves. Full sun/part shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 25 degrees F.
[Asparagus draco]
Dracaena serrulata |
Arabian Dragon Tree - Evergreen succulent tree 10-15' tall w/ stiff narrow gray soft sword-like lvs. Full sun. Well drained soil. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
[D. angustifolia]
Sansevieria 'Alice' |
Tall sword-like succulent w/green leaves w/silver gray horizontal bands. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[Dracaena cv.]
Sansevieria ballyi |
Dwarf Sansevieria - Rosette forming succulent <1' tall w/stolon holding rosettes of short round recurved lvs. Part sun/ shade. Irrigate sparingly. Hardy to 28 F
[S. Bally 12681, Dracaena ballyi]
Sansevieria bhitalae 'Superclone' |
Rippled, dark green leaves, smudged with light green form clump up to 4 ft. tall. Sun, but will tolerate low light. Excellent in containers. 30-32 F
[Dracaena bhitalae, S.kirkii 'Superclone']
Sansevieria canaliculata 'Dwarf' |
Succulent w/fans of upright round green lvs 6-9" long. Tolerates low light to indoors or out. Very little water. Protect from cold and wet.
[Dracaena canaliculata 'Dwarf']
Sansevieria cylindrica |
Skyline Spear Sansevieria - Robust succulent w/fans of upright rounded gray-green leaves 2-5' long. Give high light indoors or out. Very little water. Protect from cold and wet.
[Dracaena angolensis ,S. 'Skyline', Hort]
Sansevieria ehrenbergii |
Sword Sansevieria - Stout succulent w/blue-green upright 5' long lvs. Rare to flwe. Full to part sun in well-draned soil. Protect from winter moisture and frost. To 30F.
[Dracaena hanningtonii]
Sansevieria erythraeae |
Pencil Sansevieria - Succulent w/fans of upright rounde gray-green lvs 2-3' long. Orange berries.High light indoors or out. Very little water. Protect from cold and wet.
[Dracaena erythraeae, S. schweinfurthii]
Sansevieria hallii |
Baseball Bat - Unusual plant with thick nearly cylindrical upright 12-18" lvs. Bright to low light. Excellent in containers. 30-32 F
[Dracaena hallii, S. 'Baseball Bat']
Sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra |
Coppertone Snake Plant - Rippled, dark green leaves, smudged with light green form clump up to 4 ft. tall. Sun, but will tolerate low light. Excellent in containers. 30-32 F
[Dracaena pethera var. pulchra]
Sansevieria masoniana |
Mason's Congo - Dark green leaves with light green spots growing up to 3-5 ft. tall. Excellent houseplant. Prefers bright position, but will tolerate shade. 30-32 F
[Dracaena 'Mason's Congo', S. 'Whale Fin', Hort.]
Sansevieria parva |
Kenya Hyacinth - Rosette forming succulent to 16" tall w/narrow leaves & pinkish white flwrs. Part sun to deep shade. Irrigate sparingly. Hardy to 25 F
[Dracaena parva]
Sansevieria pearsonii |
Rhinograss - Robust succulent upright 2-3' long rounded brown-green leaves . Give sun or bright light indoors or out. Very little water. Protect from cold and wet.
[S. desertii, Dracaena pearsonii]
Sansevieria suffruticosa 'Frosty Spears' |
Frosty Spears Sansevieria - Clumping succulent 18" tall w/pale green lvs, striped w/white and green. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[Dracaena suffruticosa cv.]
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Bantel's Sensation' |
White Striped Sansevieria - Clumping succulent 2-3' tall w/dark green lvs, striped w/white. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[Dracaena trifasciata cv.]
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Coral' |
Black Mother-in-law's Tongue - Clumping succulent 3-4' tall w/very dark green lvs w/gray-green bands. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[Dracaena trifasciata cv.]
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Golden Flame' |
Gold Flame Snake Plant - Clumping succulent to 18" tall w/dark green lvs striped w/golden yellow. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[S. 'Gold Flame', Dracaena trifasciata cv.]
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' |
Striped Mother-in-law's Tongue - Clumping succulent 3-4' tall w/green leaves margined w/yellow stripes. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[Dracaena trifasciata cv.]
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii Mein Liebling' |
Mein Liebling Snake Plant - Clumping succulent 2-3' tall w/dark green lvs, margined w/light green. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[Dracaena trifasciata cv.]
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Lilian True' |
Striped Mother-in-law's Tongue - Clumping succulent 3-4' tall w/green leaves margined w/yellow stripes. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[Dracaena trifasciata cv.]
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Moonshine' |
Silver Snakeplant - Silver-green lvs w/pale green lines growing to 2 ft. tall. Excellent houseplant for bright position or shaded patio. Little H2O.30-32 F
[Dracaena trifasciata cv., 'Futura Silver Offset']
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Singer's Silver' |
Singer's Silver Sansevieria - Clumping succulent 10-12" tall w/green margined lvs centrally striped w/white. Shade/part sun. Excellent in containers. Low H2O. Hardy to 30-32 F.
[Dracaena trifasciata cv.]
Talbotia elegans |
False Dracaena - Small evergreen groudcover to 8" tall & spreading slowly. White flwrs in late spring. Plant in Shade. Well drained soil. Regular H2O. Hardy to <16F.
[Xerophyta elegans, Vellozia, Barbacenia]