Alpinia zerumbet |
Shell Ginger - Perennial that grows to 8' with white flower in summer. Part sun to light shade (tolerates full sun on coast). Irrigate regularly. 15-20 degrees F.
[Alpinia speciosa, A. nutans, Catimbium speciosum]
No longer in production
Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata' |
Variegated Shell Ginger - Perennial that grows to 6-8' tall with white flowers in summer. Part sun/light shade. High water needs. Irrigate regularly. 15-20 degrees F.
No longer in production
Hedychium coronarium |
White Ginger - Perennial to 6'x4' with fragrant white flowers in summer-fall. Light shade. Regular watering. Root hardy to 10 degrees F.
No longer in production
Hedychium flavescens |
Yellow Ginger - Perennial. Light shade. Regular water. Pale yellow flowers in summer-fall. 8' tall. Root hardy to 15-20 degrees F.
[H. cornarium var. flavescens]
No longer in production
Hedychium gardnerianum |
Kahili Ginger - Perennial to 8' tall with yellow flowers with red stamens in summer-fall. Light shade. Regular water. Root hardy to 15-20 degrees F.
[Hedychium gardneranum]
No longer in production
Hedychium greenei |
Red Ginger - Perennial. Red undersides of leaves and Orange-red flowers in summer-fall. Light shade. Regular watering. Root hardy to 10 degrees F.
No longer in production
Hedychium spicatum var. acuminatum |
Ginger Lily - Perennial to 3 -4' tall with coral orange flowers in summer-fall. 25-30 degrees F. Light shade. High Water Needs. Root hardy to 10F.
No longer in production
Hedychium x moorei 'Tara' |
Tara Ginger - Vigorous hardy ginger growing to 6-8' tall with fragrant orange red flowers. Full sun/light shade. Water regularly. Root hardy to 15-20 degrees F.
[Hedychium coccineum 'Tara']
No longer in production