Callistemon 'Jeffers' |
Purple Bottlebrush - Evergreen shrub to 6-10 by 4-6 feet wide feet tall with violet pink flower in summer-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F
[C. citrinus 'Jeffersii', Melaleuca]
Callistemon 'Cane's Hybrid' |
Cane's Bottlebrush - Upright growing to 12-20' w/soft silky pink new growth & pink flwrs spring-fall. Full Sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20F. UCSC Koala Blooms Intro.
[C. 'Pink Stiletto', C. 'Pink Ice', Melaleuca]
Callistemon citrinus |
Lemon Bottlebrush - Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15' by as wide w/red flwrs year round on coast. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25F.
[C. lanceolatus, Melaleuca citrina]
No longer in production
Callistemon 'Little John' |
Dwarf Callistemon - Compact evergreen shrub to 3-5'+ tall by 3 to 6'+ wide w/red flowers in summer-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Callistemon salignus |
White Bottlebrush - Large shrub/small tree to 25' tall w/pink foliage flushes & spring cream flwrs. Full/part sun. Regular to little H2O. Hardy to 20F
[Melaleuca salicina]
Callistemon viminalis Slim ['CV01'] PP24,444 |
Slim Callistemon - Narrow upright evergreen shrub to 10'x5' w/red flwrs summer-fall. Full sun. Occasioanl to infrequent H2O. Hardy to around 20 degrees F. PP24,444
[Melaleuca viminalis 'Slim']
Calothamnus gracilis 'Spring Torch' |
Slender Net Bush - Evergreen shrub to 2' tall by 3' wide w/gray-green lvs flushed red in spring & red flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 28 F.
[Melaleuca gracilis]
Calothamnus quadrifidus 'Mystery Red' |
One-sided Bottlebrush - Evergreen shrub to 5-7' with soft narrow lvs flushed pink & red flwrs winter-summer. Plant in full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 16 degrees F.
[Melaleuca quadrifida, C. villosus, Hort.]
Calothamnus quadrifidus 'Seaside' |
Seaside One-sided Bottlebrush - Evergreen shrub to 5-7' with soft narrow lvs flushed pink & red flwrs winter-summer. Plant in full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 16 degrees F.
[Melaleuca quadrifida, C. villosus, Hort.]
Calothamnus quadrifidus 'Yellow Form' |
Yellow Netbush - Shrub to 6-8' tall w/pine-needle lvs & bright yellow flwrs. Plant in full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 16 degrees F.
[Melaleuca quadrifida]
Melaleuca armillaris |
Bracelet Honey-myrtle - Evergreen shrub/ small tree to 30' tall by 20' wide with white flowers late spring-summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
Melaleuca cuticularis |
Saltwater Paperbark - Shrub or small tree to 13' w/white bark, narrow small lvs & white flwrs. Sun or shade. Wet or dry soils. Hardy to 20-25F
[M. abietina]
Melaleuca decussata |
Totem Poles - Large evergreen shrub to 6-9+' tall and wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Lilac-blue flowers in late spring-summer. 20-25 degrees F.
No longer in production
Melaleuca elliptica |
Granite Honey-myrtle - Evergreen shrub 10'x8' w/ small rounded leaves & crimson red flowers in early spring-fall.. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
Working to get back in the field but currently not available
Melaleuca incana |
Gray Honey-myrtle - Evergreen shrub to 10' tall and wide with pale yellow flowers in spring. Full sun. Little water needed. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Melaleuca incana 'Prostrate Form' |
Prostrate Gray Honey-myrtle - Prostrate evergreen shrub to 1-2' tall w/red buds & pale yellow flowers in spring. Full sun. Little water needed. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Melaleuca linariifolia |
Flax Leaf Paperbark - Evergreen tree. Full sun. Drought tolerant. White flowers in summer 30'x20'. 20-25 degrees F.
No longer in production
Melaleuca nesophila |
Pink Melaleuca - Large evergreen shrub or small 15-20' tall x 12'+ wide w/mauve flowers in spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
Melaleuca quinquenervia |
Punk Tree - Evergreen tree. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow-white flowers in summer-fall. 40' tall. 20-25 degrees F.
[Melaleuca leucadendra, Hort.]
No longer in production
Melaleuca squamea |
Fuzzy Swamp Honey-myrtle - Evergreen shrub. Full sun. Occasional watering. Mauve flowers in spring. 10'x8'. 20-25 degrees F.
[Melaleuca 'Fuzzy']
No longer in production
Melaleuca styphelioides |
Prickly-leaved Paperbark - Evergreen tree w/pealing bark & erect dense growth to 45' tall. Creamy white flowers in spring. Full sun. Little to abundant water. 20-25 degrees F.
No longer in production