Aloe tomentosa |
Hairy Green Aloe - Upright solitary aloe w/pale green leaves & fuzzy chartreuse flowers in summer. Fulll sun/light shade. Little irrigation required. Hardy to 25F.
Bauhinia tomentosa |
Yellow Bauhinia - Medium sized shrub 4-6' tall w/arching stems w/light green lvs & yellow summer flwrs. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 30 F.
Kalanchoe tomentosa |
Panda Plant - Small succulent to 24" tall w/narrow brown tip gray fuzzy lvs & summer green-brown flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier' |
Chocolate Soldier Panda Plant - Small succulent to 24" tall w/narrow brown fuzzy lvs & green-brown flwrs in summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Metrosideros excelsa |
New Zealand Christmas Tree - Evergreen tree to 30' tall by 15' wide w/scarlet flowers spring-summer (Xmas in NZ) . Full sun. Drought tolerant. 25-30 degrees F. [M. excelsus]
[Metrosideros excelsus, M. tomentosa]
No longer in production
Rhoicissus capensis |
Evergreen Grape - Vigorous evergreen vine with grape-like foliage. Full sun (coast) to part sun. Regular to occasional watering. Hardy to 25 degrees F.
[Rhoicissus tomentosa]
Senecio tomentosa |
Woolly Senecio - Small succulent shrub to 1' tall by as wide w/ white cylindrical leaves. Full sun. Well drained soil. Water sparingly. Hardy to 25 F.
[Caputia tomentosa, S. haworthii]
No longer in production
Stachys albotomentosa |
Hidalgo Stachys - Evergreen perennial 2' tall by 3-4' wide w/salmon flwrs in summer. Sun/Part shade. Occasional/ moderate H2O. Evergreen to 25 F - root hardy to ~10F .
[S. coccinea 'Hidalgo', S. 'Hidalgo']
No longer in production