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Home > Products > Specialty Crops > Sedges Have Edges: The Carex Page

  Sedges Have Edges: The Carex Page
Meadow lawn planted at John Greenlee's house in Pomona, CA
The title of this page, "Sedges have edges" comes from the botanical rhyme:
Sedges have edges and rushes are round, grasses are hollow and rush all around
author unknown
The true sedges are in the genus Carex and are a major component of the family Cyperaceae. The genus was established by Carolus Linnaeus in his 1753 work "Species Plantarum". There are over 1,100 estimated species (perhaps as many as 2,000) with global distribution. Most but not all are found in wetlands. The name Carex comes from the Greek word "kerio" meaning "to cut", refering to the minute saw-tooth edges on the leaves.

These plants are important garden plants for many different situations. They range from diminutive miniature plants to large tussocks with foliage colors from red, orange, copper, silver to various shades of green and many cultivated forms are variegated. Some are clump forming and others spread by rhizomes. Information on the individual species we grow can be found by clicking on the following links or the species list below.

"An Imposter Identified: Berkeley Sedge is Eurasian Grey Sedge"- Article by Michael Curto from Jul/Aug/Sept 2006 Pacific Horticulture comparing the often confused Carex divulsa and C. tumulicola.*

"A Sedge by another name ..Is confusing" - Article by Michael Curto and Dave Fross in Jul/Aug/Sept 2006 Pacific Horticulture comparing the often confused Carex praegracilis and C. pansa.*

* Articles used with permission by Pacific Horticulture
We grow the following Sedges
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Carex albula Frosty Curls Hair Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 8-12 inches tall. Reseeds about in the garden. Full to part sun. Water regularly. Hardy to 0-10 degrees F. 
Carex appressa Tall Sedge - Tall grass-like plant 2-3' tall w/narrow bright green arching leaves and brown spikes of flowers. Full/part sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 18F. 
Carex brunnea Narrow Sedge - Grass-like plant w/neat tight clumps to 1 foot tall w/ thin dark green leaves. Give regular water. Full sun, light shade hardy to 10-15 F. 
Carex brunnea 'Variegata' Golden-Edged Sedge - Grass-like plant w/neat tight clumps to 1 foot tall w/ thin pale yellow variegated leaves. Give regular water. Full sun, light shade hardy to 10-15 F. 
Carex buchananii Curly Top Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant with red-brown erect foliage to 2 feet tall. Sun/light Shade. Water regularly. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Carex 'Chisai' Chisai California Sedge - Short fine green sedge to 6" tall - spreads by rhizomes. A great meadow "grass". Full sun to light shade. Regular/occasional irrigation. Hardy to 10F. 
Carex divulsa [C. tumulicola, Hort.] European Grey Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 2' wide x18" tall '. Brown flower in spring. Sun/Shade. Regular to occasional watering. Hardy <0 degrees F. 
Carex elata 'Bowles Golden' Golden Variegated Sedge - Semi-evergreen sedge with bright yellow foliage. Color fades later in season. Part sun. Keep moist. 2'x3'. Hardy to <15 degrees F 
Carex flacca Blue Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 6" tall and spreading w/blue-green lvs. Sun/Light Shade. Low-High water needs. Hardy to 0 degrees F. [C. glauca] 
Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' Blue Zinger Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 12-20" tall by 2' w/blue-green lvs. Sun/Light Shade. Low-High water needs. Hardy to 0 degrees F. [C. glauca] 
Carex harfordii 'Tunitas Creek' Harford's Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 18' tall by as wide. Green flower in spring. Sun/Shade. Regular to occasional watering. Hardy 10 degrees F. 
Carex 'Ice Dance' Ice Dance Sedge - Slowly spreading sedge to 12-15" tall with white margined green leaves. Full sun (coastal) to shade. Water regularly. Hardy <0 F. 
Carex oshimensis Everest ['CarFit01'] PP20,955 White Variegated Japanese Sedge - Clumping, evergreen sedge to 1' tall & wide w/white margined llvs. Cool sun to shade. Well drained moist soil. Hardy to 0 F. Propagation Prohibited. 
Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' Variegated Japanese Sedge - Clumping, evergreen sedge, w/green leave variegated down the middle w/cream white. Likes shady, moist areas. 1-2 ft tall.Hardy to 0-20 degrees F. 
Carex 'Pomona' The Pomona Sedge - Evergreen to 3' wide x 18-20" tall w/fine green lvs & tight flwr spikes in spring. Sun/Shade. Regular to occasional watering. Hardy 0 degrees F. 
Carex praegracilis California Field Sedge - Short rich green sedge to 6-8" tall - spreads by rhizomes. A great meadow "grass". Full sun/light shade. Regular/occasional irrigation. Hardy to 10F. 
Carex solandri New Zealand Bush Sedge - Evergreen clump forming sedge to 12-18" tall by equal spread. Sun/Shade. Medium water needs. Good groundcover. Reseeds. 15-20 degrees F. 
Carex spissa San Diego Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant with long silver gray strap leaves to 3-4' tall. Medium water needs. Sun/Light Shade. Hardy to <0 degrees F. 
Carex subfusca Rusty Sedge - Native sedge to 10-12 inches tall - spreading by rhizomes. Good meadow filler. Sun or shade. Little to moderate water. Hardy to -10F or less. 
Carex sylvatica Forest Sedge - Evergreen clump forming grass-like plant with dark green leaves in dense tufts 12"-18" tall. Plant in shade and water regularly. Hardy to 0-10 F. 
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