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Home > Resources> Garden Solutions > Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants

Datura flower

San Marcos Growers makes every attempt to list plants that we have discovered to have any toxic compounds that may affect humans, pets or livestock. Our pages and references to poisonous plants are for informational purposes only, not as a guide for diagnostics or home treatment. It is noted here that our database is NOT a complete database of all plants that are poisonous and it is very important to remember that just because a plant is absent from a poisonous plant list, it does not necessarily mean that the plant is not in some way poisonous! Contact a poison control center or a veterinarian in any case of suspected poisoning!

San Marcos Growers has no physicians or staff to answer questions about specific plants or poisons and suggest anyone with questions to contact their local state or regional poison control center located on the Poison Control and Prevention Center Directory or by calling 1(800)222-1222. If someone has ingested or is experiencing a reaction to a plant or other substance and is need of medical attention you should call 911 before searching for a poison control center.

Poisonous plant books that we use at our nursery include:

Fuller, Thomas C. and Elizabeth McClintock 1986. Poisonous Plants of California, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Schmutz, Ervin M. and Lucretia Breazeale Hamilton 1979. Plants That Poison Flagstaff: Northland Publishing.

van Wyk, Ben-Erick, Fanie van Heerden and Bosch van Oudtshoorn 2005. Poisonous Plant of South Africa, Pretoria; Briza Publications.

Wagstaff, D. Jesse 2008 International Poisonous Plants Checklist: An Evidence-based Reference New York; CRC Press.

Other Recommended Poisonous Plant Links

Poison Control Centers The American Association of Poison Control Centers lists locations throughout the United States and abroad.
CA Poison Control System The California Poison Control System (CPCS) offers expert assistance from the UC San Francisco, School of Pharmacy.
CA Poison Control Sys ListThe California Poison Control System (CPCS) lists of posionous and non-toxic plants.
CDC Poisonous Plant Page Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Page on Poisonous Plants
Cornell Poisonous Plants Cornell University's Poisonous Plant Database can be searched by plant name, species affected and primary poison.
Animal Kingdom References Plant toxicity reference compiled by Wendy Andrew, Disney Animal Kingdom Horticulture Curator
FDA Poisonous Plant Database This very extensive database of literature pertaining to poisonous plants was decommissioned in Januray 2022.
Purdue Poisonous Plants Purdue University Poisonous Plants site lists plants poisonous to livestock and pets.
UC Davis Safe and Poisonous Garden Plants List of poisonous and safe garden plants by Dr. Ann King Filmer at UC Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
UC Davis Toxic Plants Potentially Hazardous Plants by Dr Sue Pounds, DVM.
Wikipedia Poisonous Plants Wikipedia's list of plants containing poisonous parts that pose a serious risk of illness, injury, or death to humans or animals.
ASPCA Poisonous Plant Page The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals page on plants poisonous to dogs, cats and horses
U of Penn Poisonous Plants University of Pennsylvania's Poisonous Plants Page with glossary and links.
Colorado State Poison Plants Colorado State University searchable database of poisonous plants and list for plants poisonous to people and animals.
Owen Dell on Poisonous Plants Santa Barbara Landscape Architect Owen Dell's list of poisonous plants commonly occurring in Southern California.
PalmBob on Toxic Plants Geoff Stein (PalmBob) examines the meaning of "Toxic Plant" on Dave's Garden.
Cat World's Cat Poisons A database of common plants & household items toxic to cats
Plants Edible or Toxic to Goats Molly Nolte's Fias Co Farm's list of plants safe for and toxic to goats
Plants Poisonous to RabbitsSacremento House Rabbit Society List of poisonous plants
New Zealand's TOXINZ An extensive database of New Zealand poisonous plants from the University of Otago and New Zealand National Poisons Centre. Now Requires a paid subscription.