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Home > Resources > Garden Solutions

Garden Solutions
Beach and Coastal Garden Plants
   Plant List for Coastal Gardens A comprehensive list of plants for the edge of the breakers back across the coastal strand.
   Our Plants for the Beach Plants we currently grow for the beachside garden.
Bird & Butterfly Plants
   Houzz Bird &Butterfly PageHouzz suggests many ways to attact birds and butterflies to your garden.
   Las Pilitas Nursery List A list of native California plants that attract native birds to the garden.
   National Wildlife Page National Wildlife Federation's page on attracting birds and other wildlife to the garden.
   New York Botanical Garden The New York Botanical Garden page on creating a bird garden.
   New York Botanical Garden Butterfly Page The New York Botanical Garden page on creating a butterfly garden.
   Plant Collection Is for the Birds January 2007 Pacific Horticulture article by Donna & Steve Brigham on attracting birds & butterflies to the garden.
   Protect our Nesting Birds The Santa Barbara Audubon Society's guide to bird friendly vegetation trimming.
Eucalyptus UnderstoryHaving problems growing plants under the big gum tree? Take a look at these choices.
Gardening and Wildfire Wildfire is a concern for all who live in the urban/ rural interface. Firescape, a Santa Barbara Fire Department project looks at this problem and offers suggestions.
Gardening in the Deer ZoneLooking for plants the deer don't like? Try our deer resistant plant list. - Warning a hungry deer will eat nearly any plant!
Myoporum ThripsThe useful Myoporum has a serious pest but some varieties are resistant.
Phosphorus on Aussie plants A Useful listing by Kevin Handreck of plants from Australia that are tolerant or sensitive to Phosphorus.
Poisonous PlantsSee our links and references on poisonous plants and poison control centers.
Protea in California GardensProtea Expert Dennis Perry's Tips from the 1998 San Marcos Growers Field Day.
Unwanted Pond Visitors?Try this simple solution for keeping them away.
USDA Zone MapMap of the different temperature zones within the United States.
Water Conservation and Irrigation
   Irrigation Recomendations Our Irrigation Page defines the irrigations recomendations for our plants and has valuable links to other water conservation websites.
   CA Dept of Water Resources The California Department of Water Resources is involved in improving and sustaining California's Water Resources.
   Water Conservation Council The California Urban Water Conservation Council is a partnership of water suppliers, environmental groups, and others interested in conserving water.
   Yarrow Lawn A very nice yarrow planting replaced a lawn we had in the nursery.