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  Aloe Page
Succulent Name
Aloe arborescens in Santa Barbara
Aloe is a genus of succulent plants from Africa, south western Asia and Madagascar. Taxonomically the genus is grouped with other lily relatives that in the past were placed in family Liliaceae and later in the Asphodeliaceae. More recent treatment puts Aloe in its own family, the Aloaceae, which also includes Astroloba, Chortolirion, Gasteria, Haworthia and Poellnitzia. There are about 400 species in the genus with a concentration of over 125 species that are from South Africa. The vast majority of the remaining species come from eastern Africa and Madagascar. There are several species that come from islands of the Indian Ocean and from the Arabian peninsula of southwest Asia. Some Aloe grow as large shrubs or trees while others look more like a grass or bulb. The word "aloe" comes from the Greek name for the plant which follows from the Arabian name "alloch" and Hebrew "ahalim".

San Marcos Growers grows a number of species and hybrids that we list below. We have selected these plants because they are showy and do particularly well in the mediterranean climate of coastal California. Many of these bloom in the middle of winter which makes them particularly valuable garden plants for adding ornament and attracting birds when other plants are not blooming. The following links contain valuable Aloe information.

Aloes we growA descriptive list & images of Aloes grown at San Marcos Growers.

Aloe Information
Aloe MiteThis insideous tiny pest disfigures aloes and is difficult to control
Aloe sabaea hybridsThis wild looking species from Yemen produces some interesting progeny!
Aloe 'Spiney' &'Dill Prickles'Are these two spiney aloe cultivars actually the same plant?
Aloe striata HybridMany plants sold as Aloe striata are actually hybrids!
Brian's Hardy Aloe ListBrian Kemble, Garden Curator of the Ruth Bancroft Botanic Garden has put together this valuable list of the "hardy" aloes.
Desert Tropicals WebsiteThis Phoenix based informative website was created by Philippe and Sura Faucon - great information on lots of plants!
ISI Aloe introductionsInternational Succulent Introductions at the Huntington Botanic Garden has introduced several very nice aloes.
Institute for Aloe Studies Formed to study propagation & conservation of Aloes and to educate the general public about Aloes.
Lotusland Aloe Garden Tips Pictures and aloe information at Ganna Walska Lotusland Botanic Garden.
PlantZAfricaGreat information from the website of the South African National Biodiversity Institute.

Aloe Garden Tours
Lotusland Aloe Garden TourTake a tour through the Aloe garden at the fabled Lotusland Botanic Garden.
Ruth Bancroft Garden TourTake a tour through the Aloe & Agave garden at the Ruth Bancroft Garden Botanic Garden.