This plant category puts together as a group unrelated plants that have adapted to extreme xeric conditions by developing methods of retaining moisture in their succulent or swollen stem, leaves or caudex (base). In the classic sense this includes the leafless stems of cacti but also includes the less obviously succulent plants such as Yucca. Many cacti and succulent collectors also include plants such as bulbs (with (plants that have underground, fleshy storage structures) and xeric cycads in their collections although we exclude the cycads from this list completely because we list them separately on their own Cycad Page. While we include some succulent lily families here, a complete list of bulbs can be found on our Bulb Page. A complete list of the Succulents we grow can be found by performing a Succulent Search of our database. Other information about succulents and specific searches for succulent groups can be found below.
Agave |
Agave information and links with a list of agave we grow. |
Agave Relatives | Look here for information about plants in the Agavaceae - see also Yucca |
Aizoaceae |
Call them mesymbranthema or call them vygies, but don't call them ice plants! |
Asteraceae |
We grow many succulents in the Aster or Daisy family, the Asteraraceae. |
Agave Relatives | Look here for information about plants in the Agavaceae - see also Yucca |
Aloe |
Aloe info & a list of aloe we grow - for related plants see our Succulent Lily Page |
Bromeliads |
San Marcos Growers grows these plants in the bromeliad family. |
Cacti | We don't grow many but these prickly pears are winners! |
Crassulaceae |
There's a lot more than jade plant in the crassula family. |
Cycads We Grow |
These ancient plants look great in the succulent garden! |
Cycads Information |
Information and links about cycads. |
Dicot Succulents | Plants in the Aster, Purslane & Mint families - other succulent dicots listed at Aizoaceae, Cactaceae, Crassulaceae and Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia | We grow some great spurges but be careful of that milky sap! |
Mangave | The intergeneric hybrids between Manfreda and Agave |
Sansevieria | We grow many of these very tough succulent strap leafed plants!
Succulent Lilies | Some succulent lily relatives like Brunsvigia, Bulbine, Drimiopsis, Gasteria, Haworthia, Ledebouria, Urginea & Veltheimia. |
The Yucca | We grow several of these staturesque plants - including our native Hesperoyucca |
The Xanthorrhoea | The grass trees from Australia are majestic in the garden! |
Other Succulent Information |
CSSA Journal | The Cactus & Succulent Journal is published by the Cactus and Succulent Society of America |
Succulent Books | We recommend these great books on Succulents |