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Home > Resources > Horticultural Reference Books

  Horticultural Reference Books


The following references were used in the preparation of our catalog and are recommended for the information that they contain about the plants that San Marcos Growers produces.

Baily, Liberty H., Hortus Third. MacMillan Publishing Co., New York, 1976.

Bond, Pauline and Peter Goldblatt, "Plants of the Cape Flora, A Descriptive Catalog" Journal of South African Botany # 13 (Supplementary).September 1984.

Bramwell David and Zoe Bramwell, Wildflowers of the Canary Islands. Stanley Thornes Ltd., Cheltenham, GB, 1974.

Brigham, Steve and Don Walker, Ornamental Trees of San Diego. San Diego Horticultural Society,2003

Bryan, John E., Bulbs. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, 1989.

Chandler, Phillip E.(Ed. Kathy Musial), Reference Lists of Ornamental Plants for Southern California Gardens. Southern California Horticultural Society, Los Angeles, 1993.

Clebsch, Betsy, A Book of Salvias; Sages for Every Garden. Timber Press/ Florilegium, Balmain, Australia, 1997.

Dobson, Beverly R., Peter Schneider, Combined Rose List 1993. Peter Schneider, Rocky Point, Ohio, 1993

Eliovson, Sima, Wild Flowers of Southern Africa. Macillillan South Africa Publishers LTD., Johannesburg, 1973.

Elliot, W. Rodger and David Jones, Encyclopaedia of Australian Plants. Lothian Publishing Co., Melbourne, 1982.

Gentry, Howard S., Agaves of Continental North America. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1982.

Goldblatt, Peter, The Genus Watsonia. National Botanic Gardens, Cape , South Africa, 1989.

Greenlee, John, The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses . Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 1992.

Griffiths, Mark, Index of Garden Plants, Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1994.

Heenan, Peter, Checklist of Phormium Cultivars. Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture, Lincoln N.Z., 1991.

Hickman, James C., ed. The Jepson Manual - Higher Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1993.

Hilliard, O.M., B.L. Burtt, Dierama, The Hairbells of Africa. Acorn Books, Johannesburg ,SA, 1991.

Huxley, A., M. Griffiths and M. Levy, ed. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. MacMillan Press Limited, London, 1992.

Jeppe, Barbara, South African Aloes. Purnell, Cape Town, South Africa, 1969.

Jones, David, Encyclopaedia of Ferns. Lothian Publishing Co., Melbourne, 1987.

Krüssmann, Gerd, Manual of Cultivated Conifers. Timber Press , Portland Oregon, 1985.

Lenz, Lee W., John Dourley, California Native Trees and Shrubs. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA 1981.

Matthews, Julian, New Zealand Native Plants for Your Garden. Pacific Publishers, Auckland, NZ, 1983.

McLeod, Judith A., Lavender Sweet Lavender. Kangaroo Press Pty Ltd, Kenthurst, Australia, 1989

Metcalf L.J, The Cultivation of New Zealand Trees and Shrubs. Reed Methuen , Auckland, 1987.

Perry, Bob, Landscape Plants for Western Regions . Land Design Publishing, Claremont, CA, 1992.

Polunin, Oleg, Flowers of Europe - A Field Guide. Oxford University Press, New York, 1969.

Smith, M. Nevin, A Guide to Ornamental Plants for Coastal California. Suncrest Nurseries Inc., Watsonville, CA, 1993

Sterman, Nan,  California Gardener's Guide Volume II  Cool Springs Press, Tennessee, 2007.

Tree Tree Seminar, Inc Street Trees Recommended for Southern California Anaheim, CA 1999

Trehane, Piers, ed. Index Hortensis -Volume 1: Perennials. Quarterjack Publishing, Wimborne, 1989.

Uhl, Natalie W. and John Dransfield, Genera Palmarum. Allen Press Lawrence , Kansas, 1987.

Vines, Robert A., Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines of the Southwest, U. of Texas Press, Austin, 1984.

Wrigley, W and M. Fagg, Australian Native Plants. Collins Publishers, Sydney, 1988.