Fire is an intrinsic part of the California landscape that is both a force of destruction and awe. In many communities
the threat of fire has created city or county codes dictating how one builds their house and what can be planted
around it. San Marcos Growers has long been concerned with this issue and in 1984 was involved with other Santa
Barbara landscape professionals in starting Firescape. Firescape is a demonstration garden of fire resistant
plants, planting concepts and landscape alternatives appropriate to the gardens where fire is a threat an approach that more
recently has been called Firescaping. In 1990, after the nursery and much of Santa Barbara was threatened by the disastrous
Painted Cave Fire, San Marcos Growers drew on the plant lists developed in the Firescape project to help our customers
replant the blackened landscapes in our foothills. To help with those working under similar conditions after the terrible fires
in Semi Valley, Malibu, San Diego County and more recently in the foothills of Goleta (Gap Fire) and Montecito (Tea Fire) we
have updated this Firescape page to include links to other resources.
For more information connect with: