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Pennisetum orientale in the San Marcos Growers garden |
Planted in the foreground is Pennisetum orientale, the Chinese Fountain Grass with Miscanthus transmorrisonesis in the back ground center and Cortaderia selloana
'Pumila' at the far right. A medium sized winter dormant grass, Pennisetum orientale grows to 18 in. tall with soft feathery pink flower spikes rising above the foliage from late spring through fall. It is a slow spreading rhizomatous grass which forms dense
clumps. It resembles P. setaceum when not blooming or after blooms have aged, but at its peak the beautiful pink flowers make this grass
stand out, especially if backlit. Looks best with occasional watering but will tolerate dry conditions as well. This plant does not weed out in
the garden as P. setaceum does. Native to Asia Minor.
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